Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Best Wart Removal

By Lianne Blasen

Our life is full of unanticipated burdens, one of which is having a wart. Seriously? Yes, seriously! A wart is an annoying and gross lump of skin usually on the finger, hand or elbow, such a burden isn't it? Good thing there's a way to get rid of your warts, either by visiting a doctor or doing it yourself. Yes, DIY wart removal works. But the treatment is not as simple as grabbing that nail cutter and cut that annoying wart off. You must know what are the proper ways to say get rid of your warts on your own.

I was afflicted with a few warts on my hand when I was at the age of five or six. I didn't want my parents to take me to the doctor, so what I did is that I use my own teeth to rip off those annoying warts. The result? Well, after a few days the warts grew again and even more gross lumps grew. So, I definitely not recommend that DIY wart removal. Keep in mind that when dealing with a wart, you are with a virus.

Although a wart appears to be a small lump of skin, its actually caused by a virus you acquired somewhere down the road. The cool news is that you can remove that ugly wart with a number of simple procedures.

Using apple cider vinegar is one of the most common ways to wart removal. What you need aside from the apple cider vinegar is a clean bandage. This is probably the most fastest way to remove the warts, because the curing can happen overnight. Here's how to do it: Simply saturate the bandage with the apple cider vinegar, and then wrap the warts with the bandage while you sleep. The next morning, no more annoying warts.

Another method is using a duct tape. Sounds funny? Yes, it is. But this wart removal cure has been tested and proven by many. In fact, I had a first hand experience using this method. I've tried this on my daughter. I had to place a duct tape to the area infected, and then we let the duck tape do its magic. Yes, it's like magic, as you watch the wart gradually disappears. It is because there's an active ingredient in the duct tape that makes that happen.

In the end, if you have no time to wait around for home-style wart removal remedies and cures, there's always the doctor. He/she can remove your wart by freezing or shocking it. The procedure is up to you. Just be aware that these more professional methods of wart removal will leave you with a blister for a little while after the treatment. The costly way is not always the best way. - 14130

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Should You Use MMS Long-Term?

By Lee Jacobs

If you use MMS consistently, you may not know what its long-term effects are. This article is written so that you can have that information accordingly. Oftentimes, this supplement will give you nausea, but it may also produce inflammation. In the short term come inflammation is a "good" thing, because it can increase blood flow to tissues that need it, giving extra nutritional support so that healing can occur within organs and tissues that have been damaged or otherwise injured. Thus, "inflammation" is necessary over the short term, but may very well be damaging to you if your immune response is below what you need to remove diseased tissue and invading microbes; in that case, your inflammation response may become a long-term thing, which can damage your body. In fact, inflammation has been found to be one of the driving mechanisms behind many chronic diseases.

Chlorine dioxide works effectively to kill microbes because it's a powerful oxidizer. In general, if substances oxidize within the body, you get a strong immune response. That's why inflammation is often absolutely necessary during times of healing. Inflammation helps the body speed up the healing process, because it gives additional nutritional support to the area that needs it most, and also helps provide the avenue by which it wastes and other toxins can be removed. Inflammation can certainly be unpleasant over the short term, true, but it may be necessary. Unfortunately, modern medicine actually treats even short-term inflammation by trying to suppress it, too often. Many modern diseases that have inflammation as a symptom (and that would normally be short-term) in fact have this most valuable response thwarted by modern medicine's propensity to suppress the inflammation response no matter what the situation or cause. Therefore, too often, the treatment suppresses the mechanism (short-term inflammation) by which nature could deal with and even annihilate the disease.

Chronic diseases across the board tend to be more common as we advance in age. Any chronic pathology will tend to strip the body of its anti oxidant supplies, and prolonged MMS use will usually exasperate this even further. So as you can probably guess, it is important to supplement with additional anti oxidant support whilst consuming MMS. The ingestion of these additional anti oxidants should be taken apart from MMS, as if they are consumed too close together, then neutralization will take place. For example, if you use MMS before breakfast and just before bedtime - then antioxidants should be taken towards the middle of the day.

Antioxidants can be found in vitamin supplementation like vitamins C, E, and B complex vitamins. Other antioxidant supplements include: coenzyme Q10 and grape seed extract; other foods, too, are rich sources of antioxidants, and can be found in polyunsaturated oils, green tea, fresh fruits, berries, and the spice turmeric. Again, even antioxidants in foods should be taken separately from MMS, which is why it's a good idea to take MMS both on an empty stomach just on arising, and just before bed several hours after you have eaten.

As ascorbic acid is such a powerful supplement for the protection of oxidant sensitive structures such as the brain, eyes and heart. When consuming vitamin C, make sure to consume it at least 1 - 2 hours either side of the MMS protocol, as upon contact with the chlorine dioxide molecule, neutralization will take effect.

If, for some reason, you've overdosed on sodium chlorite (or someone you're around does), you can mix a lot of clean potable water with ascorbic acid and then consume it over a period of two hours. This is the most effective way to neutralize chlorine dioxide. If you need further relief, you can vomit to expel what is left within the stomach after you've ingested the vitamin C.

As you can see, too much of anything is not a good thing, and this can be said also of the miracle mineral supplement. So take heed, and remember that health is a multifaceted consideration, but with diligence and time, the body always strives for equilibrium, thus allowing health to return. - 14130

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How The Three Things You Do More Than Any Other Have Created Your Posture, And How Massage Therapy Can Recreate It

By John Reed, RMT

Working as a Massage Therapist for 12 years, and seeing over 15 000 clients, has afforded me insights and wisdom into why our bodies hold tension, how this affects our posture, and what prevents us from having balanced, fluid, pain free movements.

There are many factors that lead to pain and discomfort. One obvious cause, and one that everyone attempts to manage, is stress. We all have it. We find ways to adapt, deal with or just plain avoid stress! Whether it is psychological or physical, stress finds its way into our lives from many sources. I mention stress because it affects everything else. Every contributor to postural imbalance is only made worse by stress.

Our predominate postures greatly affect how we feel, move, and cope with life. The greatest determinate of our posture, is our most habitual postures. This may sound vague, so let me zero in on the three habitual patterns which have the most impact on our postural reality.

There is nothing you do more each day than standing, sitting, and sleeping!

How you do all three of these things will have the greatest impact on what your postural reality is. Not even the bumps and bruises you receive along the way, the falls and accidents you might have, nor your genetic makeup has as great an impact as the three things you spend the most time doing. There's barely an hour of the day not spent doing one of those three things! How do you sit? How do you stand? What position do you tend to maintain most while trying to get those 6-8 hours of sleep every night?

Most Massage Therapists' clients have occupations that require them sit for many hours every day! This may not seem to be significant, but upon closer examination, we can see how this can add up. Even 4 hours a day, leads to 20 hours a week. That becomes close to 1000 hours a year seated...just at work! How many hours do you sit in the car, surfing the couch, at the kitchen table, or sitting in coffee shops, and restaurants? Obviously we could say another 1000 hours and still not be accounting for the countless hours spent in this postural altering position!

Two major muscle groups are held in a shortened position while you sit. The major hip flexors, the Psoas, and Rectus Femoris, are greatly shortened while seated. The former of the two attaches to the anterior (front) side of your lumbar vertebrae. After spending long periods of time in a shortened position, the Psoas becomes shorter and tighter. The problem with the hip flexors being tight is that they pull the lumbar vertebrae forward. This is a classic reason why many people experience low back pain.

Having your knees bent at 90 degrees, for countless yearly hours of sitting, also tends to lead to incredibly tight hamstrings! No wonder as we age it gets to harder to touch our toes! Sitting is also hardly kind to our neck and shoulders.

Massage Therapists' work on a host of issues their clients present with, which arise from spending hours on a mouse and keyboard. Hours spent with their heads drifting forward towards their monitors, shift the weight of the head to neck and shoulder muscles that are made to perform movements rather than support a near 10lbs bowling ball! Other habitual patterns such as leaning on one butt cheek more than the other, pinning a phone to the ear with the shoulder, and being far from ambidextrous with the mouse, highlight the many reasons why sitting contributes to many of the postural imbalances which massage therapy address nearly everyday.

The second habitual posture we all have our own variation of, is how we stand. It is something rarely given much attention, but all of us have a habitual standing posture. Simply bringing your awareness to your body while standing at any given moment can reveal interesting things about how your muscles have their way with your skeletal structure.

Simply glancing down at your feet periodically, without adjusting yourself to some ideal pose, reveals what is likely a reoccurring theme. Are your feet consistently in a similar position every time you look down? Is one always out in front? Is one always rotated in the same direction? These consistencies reveal muscular holding patterns that are having their way with your skeletal structure. You may notice the bodies desire to shift weight more to one side. This too relates to certain muscle being held in more contracted states, than their opposites. Massage therapy looks to reveal the imbalances within our muscle groups and restore it.

Our musculature is a perfect design. Every muscle works in concert with it's opposite, to grant us fluid, painless, dynamic movement and function. While one muscle is extending, its opposite is flexing. Our bodies are functioning optimally when our muscles are balanced in strength, length, and flexibility.

Massage therapy practitioners help reveal postural distortions and the habitual patterns contributing to these distortions and introduce opposition to the habitual posture. Once you discover the habitual postures and their opposites, it becomes easier to find the balance. It is here where freedom from postural strain can be discovered. Contrary to assumptions, sleep is not always an escape to postural strain.

Sleep is a very habitual act as well. Do you tend to sleep on the same side of the bed every night? Would you or your partner be keen to switch side of the bed? Likely not. Why? Because we are habitual beings. We do things quite habitually, and we move in habitual ways. Even our sleep is done in a very habitual way. Some people sleep on their tummy side every night. Their habit, has them rotating their neck to one side more than the other while being laterally bent to rest on a pillow, for many hours a night.

Side sleepers have their own unique way too. Most sleep predominately on one side. One shoulder gets compressed against the mattress. The legs are rarely held in the exact same position. One may be straight, while the other is flexed at both the hip and the knee. Again these are habitual postures that are held for many hours a night. How do you think your long held sleeping postures, are affecting you standing posture? Your standing posture has been greatly influenced by the sleeping posture you maintained for 6-8 hours last night! Our body want to move into positions that it spends the most amount of time in. Our own sense of what normal standing posture should be, fights against it. Our muscular systems are unconsciously trained to meet the demands of our most dominantly held postures. These are usually in conflict with our perception of what is considered "good posture".

Massage therapy focuses intently on those muscles holding you in out-of-balance postures. Once these muscles are released of tension, your body enjoys the experience of a more fluid and pain-free range of motion. If you can move daily into positions and ranges which oppose your habitual patterns, you are encouraging a state of balance. With a little help from your massage therapist, you will discover more about your body and how your habitual postures become your unconscious postures. Through the massage therapy process you will encounter new postures thereby helping to bring conscious awareness and balance to your body. - 14130

About the Author:

Meditation Postures: Take Your Pick

By Keira Adams

It's not at all required to take on an uncomfortable or intricate pose when you're meditating. There are a few guidelines, though, that help you get the most from your meditation session. For instance, most forms of meditation call for the spine to be straight and the posture to be erect. The explanation for this is that sitting upright encourages the movement of your spiritual energy. This is believed to be your life energy or force.

A straight back is essential to most of the meditation traditions, but some practices utilize other postures, including spiritual meditation. Here's a look at a few of the different postures.

1. Seated posture. The person sits erect while keeping the back straight. Spine and head are aligned and straight. Thighs are parallel with the ground. The hands are placed on the arms of the chair or on the knees.

2. Cross legged posture. This is one of the most popular positions, and includes the lotus position.

3. Kneeling position. The person is positioned with both knees resting on the floor. The buttocks rest on the heels and toes, which are placed side by side. Hands rest on the thighs.

4. Lying down posture. This is also called the corpse position or, in yoga, savasna. The individual lies flat on the floor with the legs straight and relaxed. This position isn't used often because it copies the innate position of sleep. A person might doze off at times. This is more useful for stress reduction rather than as a meditation method.

In addition to these postures, there are several gestures and movements that can be incorporated into the practice of meditation. Among these are hand gestures called Mudras. A theological meaning is at the root of these gestures. Founded on the yogic school of thought, they might affect the consciousness. A typical example is the placement of hands in Buddhist meditation. With the thumbs touching, the right hand is positioned on top of the left hand.

Integrating assorted repetitive actions like chanting, deep breathing or humming also assists in bringing on a state of meditation. Some people practice walking meditation. Typically, the eyes are closed or partially closed during meditation. Those who practice Soto Zen meditation, however, do so with their eyes open looking at a wall.

Since ancient times, people have practiced meditation techniques for the numerous benefits they offer. Incorporating meditation into your everyday life could make a huge difference in your mindset and attitude. To achieve the advantages of meditation, stick to the advice and training of the kind of meditation you have chosen to practice. Remember that acceptance and persistence are necessary in order to have success. This could be of help at times when you find difficulty in meditating, and it will also improve your concentration in daily life. - 14130

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Why Do All Natural Skin Care Ingredients Matter?

By Peter Albertonach

So you're thinking what does it matter? The ingredients in natural skincare products don't matter as long as the products work. I saw that exact comment on a skincare website recently.

I dont care whats in it as long as it works.

Firstly lets talk about why so many people are now turning to natural skin care products. The reasons seem to be twofold as far as I can tell.

1. Bit by bit there is a growing realization that there are some fantastic naturally occurring substances that really are very good for your skin.

Theres now no doubt about that. In the past I have talked about Phytessence Wakame for example. This is a seaweed found in Japan that has extraordinary properties that are excellent for skin health, and this is one of the major reasons why Japanese women have such good skin. They eat the important ingredient.

Here's another example. Shea Butter. This is the oil found in the nut of the Shea tree, a tree found in Africa. It has wonderful natural moisturizing properties. And there's lots more examples of naturally occurring substances that are as good or much better for your skin than the ingredients found in big brand skin care products.

2. And consumers are finding out that there are often suspect or dangerous ingredients found in big brand skin care products, usually because a chemical alternative is way cheaper than the more natural alternative.

It's not news to some that there are chemical ingredients in some skin care products and cosmetics and there are even some found in so called natural skin care products as well.

So if you consider these 2 reasons for the big movement towards more natural skin care products it does seem to us that the ingredients that are found in your products ARE important.

So it would seem that the natural skin care ingredients found in their products is what is driving people towards safer and more effective alternatives.

Consumers demand safe and effective products now.

Do you get safe and effective ingredients in all natural skin care products? No, not necessarily.

But there is a way to work out which products are safe and effective and I'm pleased to say that there are some very good, effective and safe natural skin care products that are well worth using.

The company that makes the best natural skin care products lists all the ingredients on it;s website and has also signed the Compact For Safe Cosmetics.

That's persuasive. I'll tell you the name of the company on my website. - 14130

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The Ominous "Null Zone" Of The Photon Belt - As We Are About To Enter It, What Can We Expect?

By Will Berlinghof

(CAC General Reading, December 6, 1993)


A question from Y.M., San Mateo, California, on a subject Awareness has given some information on, but there's other aspects here. It's a rather long dissertation. He writes: "We know of a young scientist and metaphysician by the name of Sheldon Nidle in Half Moon Bay, California, who is channeling information from the Galactic Federation. According to his sources, our solar system is headed toward a belt discovered in the 60's in the vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation. It's called "The Photon Belt" and is approximately 2000 years thick; our planet and solar system are poised to enter the belt before the end of this century and as early as the Spring of 1995 to Winter of 1996. At the edge of the belt is a "null zone", where all particles of matter and anti-matter are annihilated. We (planet earth and this solar system) are now in the position of near entry into the null zone and it's going to cancel all our magnetic fields; it's also going to alter our states of consciousness with space/time distortion that will hurl us into the next higher dimension. The first noticeable event will be the alteration of the type of body that we inhabit presently. We're going to become less corporeal, with an altered mass structure that will allow us to do unusual things, such as walking through a three-dimensional wall, with ease. Since we are entering into an area of space where all existing electromagnetic grids will collapse, it means that all our electric and electromagnetic equipment will cease to function, and we are also going to face a brief period of darkness, roughly 36 to 75 hours, that will gradually give way to a period of extreme light. The Bible refers to this time as a period when one will be changed to immortality in the twinkling of an eye. As our atmosphere is compressed at the approach of the photon belt, then rapidly expanded and excited when we all enter the null zone, it's technically possible for our atmosphere to suddenly explode if it is exposed to large amounts of nuclear radiation, a natural and daily by-product of our nuclear powered plants, nuclear weapons and the like. A firestorm in the atmosphere could very well doom our planet and prevent us from achieving our glorious destiny. Another aspect of passing into the null zone is the cooling of the sun's atmosphere and lesser amounts of radiant energy sent to us on planet earth. It could mean a temporary freezing effect throughout the globe, aggravated by the period of darkness mentioned above. For up to 5 days, this planet will return to an ice age. When we leave the null zone and enter the two thousand year long photon belt, photonic energy will not only give us light, but also a subtle radiation that will allow our new body to function without solid food or the need to sleep. This new energy source will also enable our world to easily abandon the present fossil fueled industrial age. Sheldon's newsletter "Beyond Wisdom," Vol. 1, No. 2 (Oct./Nov. '92) goes on to explain how our earth is now part of the Galactic Federation, and why it is necessary to form what he calls "advocate groups" or groups of people that are willing to discuss what is now fast-approaching, and how the Sirians, Vegans, Arcturans, Pleiadians, and still other members of the Galactic Federation are willing to help us go through this enormous but exciting transformation. The people from Sirius will lead a massive landing on this planet very soon, from one to six months prior to our entry into the null zone of the Photon Belt. In view of the potential mass hysteria and devastation of economies, disruption of lifestyles, etc., it has been decided by the members of the Galactic Federation that this time, a direct intervention is absolutely necessary. It had been avoided before, to honor a cosmic decree of non-interference in the affairs of others, but this time we're talking about an event of such a magnitude that humanity must be warned and prepared to survive it. Our Sirian parents, brothers and sisters love us so much, it is said, that they will do everything in their power to give us a chance to survive this shift. To them, we humans are collectively like a little baby whose needs are to be met. And the parents don't want to see the baby die in the crib in front of their very eyes. Any parenting involves intervention from time to time, for the good of the child. We're talking about tens of thousands of ships here, uncloaking themselves in all known public and heavily-populated places around the earth, in order to prepare people to accept the impending events that will change their lives forever. The Sirians have worked on this plan for many years. First, they are going to broadcast a soothing sound around the entire planet, a little bit like the whales are doing when traveling under water. It will mainly calm people down and make them more ready to accept the fantastic display of ships, and what is to come. It is planned that all necessary information about the impending changes will be broadcast day and night over the airwaves, radio and television stations of all the countries of this planet. In addition, groups of ambassadors and counselors will teleport to key locations and groups of people, among which will be the "advocate groups" already in place. The idea is to inform, calm down, soothe the fears, in order to avoid mass hysteria and an enormous destruction of lives and property right before the entry of our solar system into the null zone.

My questions to Cosmic Awareness in this respect are: "From your position and overview, can you give more information about this so- called "Null Zone" followed by the "Photon Belt," and the effects it's going to have on us when we enter it? Please do not refer us to what you've already said about the Photon Belt in the past, but give us fresh data that may have developed since you gave the information. Secondly, can we take the Sirian intervention (and the Galactic Confederation intervention) seriously? Is it likely to happen, in view of the magnitude of the coming changes and the coming shift? Lastly, is it a good idea to start forming discussion groups or "advocate groups" in order to start preparing people and ourselves by means of information, discussion, and a more detached attitude toward our lives in this third dimension, our possessions, our jobs (for those of us who still have one), family ties, etc.?

What is channeled through Sheldon Nidle appears to be of major importance, and if his information is correct, we've very little time left to get ready. Informing people through the CAC newsletter would be an important step in the right direction, don't you think? Many thanks.

There's a number of questions in there


This Awareness indicates that the information as being extremely compact, to the point of presentation beyond the comprehension of most entities, and therefore it is suggested that entities not become overwhelmed by this material; that the changes that will occur are those that will be at a pace which entities can keep up with and there is no need for great anxiety.

This Awareness indicates that in the movement toward this direction, there is a gradual adjustment in the frequencies and vibrations that entities will experience, and these frequencies and vibrations will help to bring about the balance and adjustment that entities will need in order to pass through these energy fields, and adjust to the changes that are to come.

This Awareness indicates that much of what the entity has given is speculation, based on extrapolation or conjecture as to what the various events or energies might bring. Do not consider this as an absolute and proper description of what will happen. It is partly conjecture.

This Awareness indicates that the changes that will occur will mostly be on the psychic levels. There will, in time, become sufficient change to allow entities to move through solid matter, but at the time this happens, entities will not know whether the matter is solid or not. It will be more like entities moving into a different state of consciousness which is more dream-like.

This Awareness indicates that this, in fact, may be equated to that of the Aboriginal "Dream Time" in their culture. This Awareness indicates that it is a time when matter begins to dissolve and become less solid, and in that experience, entities become aware of the reality of consciousness as the creator of all matter, and the consciousness that they experience will be that of a higher frequency, closer to that of the Divine Consciousness.

This Awareness indicates that those entities who are incapable of moving into these higher frequencies because of their own lower density will find it extremely difficult to maintain a sense of individuality, and if they can and do choose to keep their individualities based on lower frequencies, they will eventually have an experience of being outcast from these energy fields and movements into lower densities, into a lower dimension, in fact.

This Awareness has discussed the coming dimensional shift. It has not gone in to the details of how the dimensional shift will be triggered. It has, in the past, discussed the Photon Belt and some of these things that were projected for the year 1992, and indicated that this was not to be taken too seriously. This Awareness indicates that at that time, there was no need for such concern. This Awareness indicates that it is still in the future. The information was correct, but the timing was off in regard to the movement through the Photon Belt.

The Null Zone and The Darkness - Like An Acid Trip

This Awareness indicates that the entity's information relating to the so-called null zone and the darkness as that which is correct. It will affect the magnetic fields, and therefore, much of that which is taken for granted as part of today's high-tech society, where entities rely on electricity and travel and communication through electronics will be lost, will be disrupted, and entities will find that they can no longer communicate in these manners, but shall also find that new ways of communication become possible.

They begin to recognize a kind of emergence from the chaos into a realization that they can communicate telepathically with one another in these higher frequencies and higher vibrations. This Awareness indicates that these energies become a new reality in which entities are in a state of dramatic change, but rather than being fearful, they will be in awe, in a sense of wonderment: "What is happening? What is going on?"

They will be like a group of entities who, for the first time in the 1960s, dropped acid, or LSD, and begin to talk to each other about their experience, but this will he a natural occurrence, and they will be asking: "What is that? Do you see what I see?" etc. They will be wondering what is happening to their sense of reality, and in this Photon Belt, the information and the energies that begin to shift and change will put them in a kind of dream state where nothing seems solid or real.

New rules will be formulated. New rules of physics, new rules of reality, and new rules of behavior will have to be found in order to allow each entity to have an understanding of what is, and what is proper, and what is being described. This Awareness indicates it is as though all the old rules, the Newtonian rules especially, will he thrown out, and quantum physics will be the new thing, but quantum physics will be so far advanced of anything known now that new types of descriptions and rules and principles will need to be found to explain the experiences that entities are sharing with each other in this new dimension of the Photon Belt.

This Awareness indicates that when things move back into light and lose their substance or solidity, the stability of matter, entities will no longer have the ability to think in terms of solid absolute unchangeable maintenance. They will no longer be able to maintain reality, they will simply attempt to keep up with reality and to change with it as it changes around them.

This Awareness indicates that there is a question also in the timing. To project when the events will begin is somewhat difficult. It will be more likely that it is a growing thing rather than a sudden change that occurs, and the growing thing may begin in the mid-90s, but may take considerable amount of time before it reaches a point of completion.

This Awareness indicates that by "completion," It does not refer to the end of the experience, but rather to the complete transition into the experience, into the total experience.

This Awareness has projected the time to be approximately 2012 to 2013 when this experience will be entered into fully. Thereafter, the energies of the new dimension will be that of quite a totally different nature than is present for entities at this time.

This Awareness indicates it will not be unlike the dream state. If you can imagine your reality being made up of a dream state, or dream-like state of existence in which all people share in that dream, and all people help to create that dream, but in the dream it is possible to change solid things simply by thought, or by imaging in an instant; this will be the nature of that new reality.

The earth itself will be available for entities to walk upon, but it will also simply be more like the bottom of a dream, the landscape on which a dream moves, and entities will know, as in a dream, that it is not a solid substance, but that it is a mental substance in which they exist.

THE INFORMATION ON THE SIRIANS IS CORRECT (A Private Nightmare For Those Left on Earth)


So, essentially, this information about the people from Sirius


This information is correct. This Awareness indicates that this is one reason why these entities do not become excessively alarmed at the plight which humans are moving toward.

They do not become excessively concerned at the efforts of the Greys and the Reptoids to enslave humanity, for they recognize that there is a greater change following soon that will put all of this to nothing, and that the controls that the Reptoids and Greys so dearly seek on the earth will be meaningless.

This Awareness indicates that those who cooperate with t Reptoids and the Greys on these efforts to enslave humanity will be moving also into this Photon Belt, and will be caught in a kind of mental warp that puts them into their own private hell or private prison within that mindscape or consciousness-scape that replaces the landscape of earth, for as these entities move into their dream world, or dream state, it becomes like their own private nightmare.

It is also a dream-state for those that they have captured, but for them it is more like a nightmare than a pleasant dream. This Awareness indicates the entities who cling to the higher spirit and vibration of Light, and that which is more wholesome, will move into this dream-state in a way that allows them to enjoy a blissful existence from the co- creative actions of others like themselves.

It is in this manner that a dimensional shift occurs - one group of dark negative forces begins to move away from the light group. This Awareness indicates that when these forces eventually pass out of this Photon Belt, it will he as though there are two different worlds that have been born. One will be of a very negative nature, having to start over on the spiritual evolutionary scale; the other will be highly evolved spiritually and able to enjoy the higher relationships with others of similar kind.

DID SIRIANS SAVE THE EARTH FROM BEING FRIED? (Is Earth a Giant Soap Opera on Galactic TV?)


One last question from this entity. It's another long one, but not as long as the first one. He writes: "Humanity has a special relationship with the star system Sirius, and Sirius B in particular, as explained in Robert Temple's fascinating book, "The Sirius Connection." Our sun and Sirius are hurling into the vastness of intergalactic space in a corkscrew RNA/DNA fashion, eternally linked like brother and sister; they're cosmically inseparable and this alone could explain our extraordinary bonds with the dolphins and the whales, and their human- like Sirian counterparts. If I understand correctly the information given to me recently, the Arcturans are more evolved than the Sirians, and the Sirians are more evolved than the Pleiadians. All three species are extremely good friends with each other, and humanity has great love and support from them, in all kinds of ways. In August of 1972, something extraordinary happened to our sun, and by extension to our solar system. If it was not for Sirian intervention, all sentient beings on this planet would have been fried to a crisp and our third dimensional world would look something like Venus at the present time - a boiling inferno in which nothing of a third dimensional nature can possibly survive. The event is of such a magnitude that it ought to be known by all humanity, for if it is true, we've an enormous debt of gratitude toward the Sirians, who stuck with us humans through thick and thin. Even after many extra terrestrial races of the Galactic Federation had concluded that nothing more could be done for planet Earth, and humans were doomed; these races actually left us to die and only the Sirians and a few of their friends stuck with humanity and concocted a solution that has proven to be very successful not only for us, but by extension for the whole galaxy and universe, and it may not even stop at that level either." Would Cosmic Awareness care to comment on all the above, and bring more light on the subject?


This Awareness indicates that this is in the affirmative; that this was changed by the interference of these entities and the doctoring of the energies of the sun in regard to its grid and its magnetic fields. This Awareness indicates that also the activities of these three groups and that of the Vegans is very much oriented to the recognition that humans on earth are part of their family.

This Awareness indicates the Sirians, those from Sirius, the so-called Dog Star, have long been recognized by certain tribes in Africa (the Dogons of Mali) as a sacred place and origin for their being, and these entities are in accordance with the work and research of Sitchin, related to the actions of Enki, in helping to change the Adam and Eve prototypes from mere robot-like biological creations to those that could think for themselves.

This Awareness indicates that this link between Sirius and Earth is extremely strong regarding human evolution and development. Over the thousands of years, the programming that was injected or instilled in the human prototypes has gradually evolved according to the plans of those from Sirius who worked on the creation of the mammalian qualities in humans to outgrow and overcome the reptilian qualities in humans that were created in the first Adam and Eve prototypes - by Enlil and those from Draco.

This Awareness suggests the information continue.

THE BOND BETWEEN EARTH BEINGS AND THE SIRIANS (Why Humanity is Evolving Spiritually So Rapidly)


"Does Cosmic Awareness have information that It wants to share about what happened exactly in 1972? I am informed that due to the Sirian intervention, humanity has started to evolve faster and faster after 1972 and it has now reached such a pace that what would normally take a few thousand years to take place within humanity, started happening by the year and accelerated to happening by the month and now, it is happening by the day and even by the hour. Humanity's transformation is going so fast that it has attracted the attention of the whole galaxy, and the next two dimensions above the third (where we currently live and have our being) are literally filled with parked spaceships and their crews watching Earth on television day in and day out. Our extraterrestrial friends, brothers and sisters, parents and sympathizers alike, are very much aware that if this transformation is affecting us so much, so deeply, and so fast, after the Sirian intervention, it's bound to affect the whole galaxy and possibly, to be extended to the whole universe. This thing is so enormously positive and transforming that it seems it was in the Mind of God since the very beginning of Creation and now, God has decided to activate it through Sirius. My source of information tells me that before August 1972, seers like Cayce and Nostradamus were more than 90 percent accurate, but after the event of 1972 their predictions became less and less accurate and, in fact, most predictions from anyone are now inaccurate and the chances for it not happening the way it's presented are much greater than the chances for it to happen."


This Awareness indicates that there is a kind of bond between Sirius and Earth or the solar system that make them like twin beacons, where each moves in a kind of counterbalance to the other, and their energies at this time are such that there is an alignment on the structural pattern on which they move that gives them special connection on a spiritual and psychic sense.

This Awareness indicates it is very difficult to explain, but it is like a kind of pattern in space similar to that of a molecule, similar to that of a DNA/RNA chain of energies and where the two are a part of a pattern moving on this chain. This Awareness indicates that it is like a particular organization of forces on a molecular pattern of energies in the body of the universe which, when coming together in certain alignments will release within each of the individuals on that respective planet or on the respective planets of the systems, a kind of vibratory harmonization so that each individual on the respective system experiences an opening in their DNA and molecular chains so that they become more awakened to the Divinity within.

This Awareness indicates this is somewhat difficult to put into the proper words through this Interpreter, who does not fully comprehend the meanings of the terms being used.

Sirian Influence In The Creation of Man

This Awareness indicates that the molecular structure and the DNA shapes were tampered with by Enki, the Sirius god, in the Garden of Eden, after the human robot had been created to serve the Draconian Reptoids who saw themselves as the creator of the humans. The work of Enki was designed to slowly change over a period of time to free the robot creature from its isolation as a non-thinking, non-deciding being, by the gift of Enki, who created for that entity the ability to make decisions.

This Awareness has touched upon these things before and does not wish to go into elaborate discussion again (ED's Note: see the Back Issues lists). The entity did this through the introduction of the mammalian genes at the top of the reptilian brain and in this fashion, changed the creation of Enlil into that which was able to make decisions, had a choice. These choices and decision-making ability has allowed humanity to gradually, over generation after generation, become more intelligent and more independent.

This Awareness indicates that this infuriated the Draconian creators of their genetic creation known as man, because they could not control the entity if the entity could make decisions on his own. This Awareness indicates that in the process, this change also created shorter and shorter life spans for the humans because the reptilian aspects were being diminished. The genetic reptilian qualities being diminished resulted in shorter life spans, while the mammalian qualities became more prominent, resulting in more sensitive and emotional and compassionate qualities as well as better thinking abilities.

This Awareness indicates, thus, the human has the new mammalian brain evolving out of and above the reptilian brain, and over centuries and many generations, the human has evolved at an extremely high rate.

This Awareness suggests that the action of the alignment in regard to Sirius and the Earth, has triggered this to evolve even more quickly through the vibrations that are emanating between these two areas of the galaxy.

Cosmic Sex Is Occurring In Entities

This Awareness indicates it is as though these areas are emanating energies back and forth in a kind of cosmic sexual union, which heightens the sensitivity of all of the cells or individuals that might be within that field.

This Awareness indicates that likewise, the work of the Sirians in regard to the changing of the solar patterns, has created a balance in the sun that allows it to emanate rays that are in harmony, rather than in dissonance, and this harmony is that which also is creating a resonance among Earth people that causes them to become more harmonically balanced.

This is the reason they are finding their spiritual aspects evolving at such a fast pace. This Awareness indicates that as long as this energy from the sun remains balanced, it helps to counteract many of the negative forces that would attempt to distort energies on Earth. It helps to counteract, for example, forces that would bring about earthquakes, wars, and various types of conflicts.

It also helps to force entities to evolve more spiritually, even in spite of their basic programming and training, so that when opportunities for some choice of negative or positive actions arise or are presented to an entity, even though that entity in the past may have opted for the negative choice, the entity seeing the positive and seeing that this would be more acceptable to humanity, may feel drawn towards that opinion over the negative, even though he or she might think it would not be quite as possible.

This Awareness indicates that when this happens, it is the result of the positive harmonious energies that are emanating from the sun at this time and it is thus influencing humanity to evolve more quickly in spite of many of the desperate and dramatic efforts of negative forces who have introduced drugs and all kinds of programming onto the earth plane to cause a chaotic condition in preparation for a unified world government under the Dark Forces to emerge.



Is this information correct about Cayce and Nostradamus? Those predictions were 90 percent accurate before 1972, but after that event of '72 their predictions became less and less accurate?


This is in the affirmative.

These predictions were made based on energy fluxes that existed prior to the inpouring of these new energies on Earth, which are of such powerful quality that it disrupts all of the earlier influences by which these entities made their predictions.

This Awareness indicates that essentially, what is happening is that entities are already beginning to enter into a world in which there is very little validity.

Everything is In flux, in a state of change, and even though entities look for something solid, it is not nearly as solid as it once as, and therefore what you think you have as a solid aspect in your life may only be solid for a brief time and you may find that your anchor to something stable is jerked away at any time, leaving you floundering for something to hold onto.

Entities Are Looking for Something Eternal To Cling To

This Awareness indicates that many entities experience this, and not only once, but many times in their lives. Even young people have already gone through many of these experiences in which they feel they have nothing solid in their lives to hold on to. Many try to hold on to the solidity of their parents' union, only to find their parents divorced, and there is no union. Others find solidity and stability in their rooms or their home, or in a relationship with someone who has always seemed to have it together, but these things only last for so long, and the entity feels adrift, floating, with nothing solid to cling to.

Others cling to religion or philosophy, but these too, entities tend to outgrow after awhile, for the philosophy or religion tends to become not quite as true as they thought it was, and there are feelings of betrayal or disappointment, and the entity looks about for something more.

This Awareness reminds entities in such a situation that the one thing that never changes and never betrays them is the consciousness of the universe, the divinity of that consciousness, and he emanation of love from Universal Consciousness. If entities can look at it and find it and cling to it as a permanent unchanging aspect of life.

This Awareness indicates that the world may fall away, the ground may fall from under you, but the consciousness is everywhere present, and you may cling to it, knowing that wherever you are, it is there also. The Divine Consciousness of the universe is ever and always with you.

That is God.

This Awareness indicates that entities who can cling to God in this manner, recognizing that the Light and the love is there next to you, touching you, filling you, everywhere present, and you are never separate from it, then you have something eternal to cling to that never is lost and can never be taken from you.

This Awareness indicates that the efforts of the Sirians in altering the sun have helped to stabilize that energy so that entities can indeed find greater harmony to tune in to that Divine Consciousness of the universe. This is that which helps entities to find greater peace and greater spiritual evolvement.



This book reference the questioner recommends, Robert Temple's "The Sirius Connection" - does Awareness see that as being basically valid information?


This Awareness indicates in general this is a very beneficial book for entities who wish to explore this concept further. This Awareness suggests that those who wish further understanding of the Sitchin material and the nature of man's origins in regard to his early creation could also benefit, keeping in mind the tie-in with Sitchin, and the analysis of Enki and Enlil in their creation of man in that area of ancient Sumer and Akkadia, which has been a prototype or allegory for the Garden of Eden. It is the place where space people landed and created the modern version of man in its original state.

This Awareness indicates that, of course, the creation has evolved considerably since that time; it was originally shaped more like those Reptoid types from Draco, until Enki entered and changed the creation.

(For more information on Enki and Enlil and their role in creating humans, please refer to the following "Revelations of Awareness" newsletters: 91-04, 91-16, 91-17, 93-04; $3.00 each from CAC.)



A question from V.B., Lantana, Florida, while we're in this area of the 2012 change. She writes: "In regard to the astral earth Awareness has talked about, if one owns a piece of land in the present earth as we know it now, will they also own the same land coordinates in the astral earth? If one has a retirement savings here, will it translate to the astral earth or is there no point of investing in, for example, an Individual Retirement Account? If one owns a business of this earth, will it translate to the astral earth or will there not be any necessity for physical shelter, clothing, food, water, etc.? In other words, is the astral earth non-material and nonphysical? Is there a point to gaining any material possessions such as land and housing and financial security if we will transmute from this earth to the new astral earth?"


This Awareness indicates that it appears you need to know the answer to this in order for you to know what to do with your property. This Awareness indicates that it is best for you to continue on as you are; the changes which will occur will occur gradually enough that if there is a need to sell your property, to get rid of your property, when you feel it is comfortable and proper to do so, it will be easy. It will not be something you have to study and dwell on; you will simply know that you no longer need this. You can discard it like an old sock or an old coat.

This Awareness indicates that It does not wish entities to start discarding their property based on some reading about the future.

This Awareness indicates that when the time comes that the future begins to reveal itself as time in which you will no longer need to hold on to material possessions, then you will feel the recognition that it is no longer necessary to hold on to those material possessions.

This Awareness indicates if, however, you should decide you want to carry your material possessions with you into these new realms - say an astral realm or a dream-state reality - keep in mind that your deeds and your documents will also be of a dream-state reality and you may be handing this paper around to show others that you own the land they are walking on, and they will simply smile and say: "How nice!" and it will also be pleasant for you, and you will enjoy sharing your land with them.

It is of little consequence at that time whether you own the land or not.

This Awareness indicates, depending upon your vibration, you will either enjoy the people and enjoy the life or you will feel cheated, and if you feel negative feelings about the situation, you may find yourself moving along the other direction toward those who are more greedy and who break off and move into more materialistic directions, toward the darker realm.

But this Awareness does not see this as any remote likelihood for you; It sees that whether or not this happens is strictly a matter of personal choice and that choice does not have to be made now. It can be made at any time. It does not even have to be made. You can simply forget it, and if suddenly someday you have an urge to sell your properly and the urge is overwhelming, then do so. If, on the other hand, you have a strong urge to keep your property, then that too is quite acceptable.

This Awareness indicates that when the earth becomes like a dream, it doesn't matter how much of it you own. The dream is still going to have something there to offer. If it should disappear, you can simply dream up another ground for your feet to stand on.

This Awareness indicates that if you are frightened of being left exposed in a dream, as has occurred for many entities, you may wish to dream up a place of privacy where you can go. You may want to take something of that kind of privacy with you, in which case you may wish to hold on to the deeds of your home, and take it into this new dimension when you go, in order to help reinforce your dream and your feeling of being able to find privacy.

This Awareness indicates perhaps the dream analogy is not perfect, but there is very little type of description that this Awareness can find to describe the movement into these new dimensional energies. The dream analysis is perhaps the closest conveying it.

SHOULD WE STILL WORK TO SAVE ENVIRONMENT? (What If The Plan of the Aliens Doesn't Work Out?)


Another question from V.B. in the same light: "If we work toward a better environment here and now, will it help toward creating the astral earth?"


This Awareness indicates that if entities begin to work toward a better environment here and now, they are contributing to the creation of a better mentality for humanity and a better mentality of humanity will come to create the better reality of tomorrow.

This Awareness indicates that as entities become more responsible and more caring and more loving for their environment and for each other, they help to add to that evolution of humanity and of the earth itself so that as they move into these new energies they become co-creators of the world into which they fit.


She also asks: "If, however, the aliens are defeated and fail to make their desired changes of the earth (i.e. turn it into a desert, etc.) will we stay on this present earth as we know it and will we still eventually evolve into another transmuted state as described by Awareness when talking of the astral or New Earth?"


This Awareness indicates that the changes will occur regardless of what the aliens do or don't do. When this Awareness speaks of aliens in this context, It is referring to the Reptoids and Greys who are already present on earth, not to those of the Galactic Command.

This Awareness indicates that it appears that these entities will make their efforts to control the earth. They will use humans in that effort, but regardless of what they do, the earth's orbit moving into the Photon Belt is going to undergo dramatic change, and even if entities do not fully comprehend the changes as they occur, humans will have changed along with the earth, and the realities that follow will be subject more to human consciousness than at present time.

This Awareness does not recognize that the change will be to that of an "astral" world; it is questionable as to whether the word "astral" is proper or accurate in describing the new creation. It is a different dimensional experience. It is a consciousness experience where the new world will be filled with greater levels or densities of consciousness that will permeate and penetrate the matter of the creation of the world, and that consciousness that is in the material world of that dimension will be in tune and responsive to the minds of entities who live there.

Thus, if you want to affect something in the world, you think of the effect you want and the material images simply follow, much like that which occurs in a dream. If you want a chair in a dream, you simply dream up a chair. This Awareness indicates that in these other dimensions, in these higher dimensions where spirit and consciousness are enhanced and occur in greater amounts, the material substances of the dream are more filled with consciousness and more responsive to the consciousness of entities than is presently understood on the present earth material plane.

The closest allegory or analogy to this for humans would be the concept of a dream-state, but it will not actually be a dream-state, for there will be great continuity in your consciousness in this new reality. Your time, your days, your movements and energies will flow one to the other in a continuity. This Awareness indicates this will give a greater sense of reality than what you currently experience in dreams.



She has one more question in this area: "If the polarities of Good and Evil, so to speak, become less pronounced rather than stronger, or if they draw closer together and neutralize each other, will this earth eventually become the astral earth, or will they still be two separate planets?"


This Awareness indicates the entity is asking a hypothetical question: In the event that polarities cease to exist, would there actually be a merging of the negative and positive forces to allow the cruder planet to continue without a shift in the dimension, creating two planets, one which moves lower and one which moves into a higher dimension?

This Awareness indicates if indeed, the polarities between negative and positive, or Good and Evil, were to merge into a single reconciliation, matter would cease to be and the energies would move toward higher etheric energies. The more absolute the reconciliation, the less substance would be in the etheric level.

The earth could totally dissolve, if indeed the reconciliation of positive and negative energies became absolute. However, the likelihood of this occurring in reality is not seen. This Awareness indicates It does not see the potential for the possibility of absolute reconciliation of polarities in regard to the creation of the earth, and therefore, the negative and positive may be resolved considerably, so that the energies of the earth could perhaps move into an etheric level that maintained a kind of stability without being totally material or totally spirit, but somewhere in between, in which case it would be possible for these energies to continue being unified.

This Awareness indicates that it would not require a duality planet, a splitting off of two energies. This Awareness indicates that of course, a hypothesis is based on the question of whether something could occur under certain conditions, not a matter of what is seen, and therefore this Awareness suggests that even though it could occur, it is not seen as being very plausible at this time.

This Awareness suggests that with proper energization, one could help to bring about a reality in which that potential would become more probable. This Awareness indicates that as entities' consciousness begins to grow stronger, and their ability to manifest enhances in the approach to these times, they might perhaps be able to visualize a reconciliation between the positive and negative forces so that the splitting need not occur.

This Awareness indicates that this could well be something worth considering as entities approach these energy fields of the future.

At present time, entities could not, with their present consciousness, effect such a reconciliation between positive and negative to be able to move the earth from its polarity state, but as entities get closer to this, or into the Photon Belt, this could well be energized, where their consciousness becomes more solid and more capable of having an effect over matter, and matter becomes weakened in its polarities by natural adjustment to these energies.

Polarity Change Could Create "Etheric Demons"

Therefore, it would be possible for humanity to change the nature of the polarities into that which is more reconciled. In such case, even those entities who are very negative in nature could be influenced toward a more balanced and etheric quality. This does not necessarily mean however, that simply because they become more etheric they are forced to become spiritually wholesome. They may simply become etheric demons.

This Awareness indicates that it is something to consider, for these entities will not only need to become more etheric as they move into these energy fields, but they need also to become more spiritual and more attuned to the Divine energies rather than holding on to those negative energies which they have become accustomed to.

Their comfort zone may bind them to those negative energies, in which case they might not be able to adjust to the higher more Divine frequencies, even when moving in to etheric bodies. - 14130

About the Author:

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Good Info - How To Cure Acne

By Hardi Raweet

Acne cures abound - there are natural options, anti bacterial preparations, steroids, hormone treatments like oral contraceptives and even laser or light treatments. How do you know which one will work for you, and give you the acne cure you want so badly?

Let's face it; living with acne is not easy. It can be embarrassing, and may affect your self esteem, which could spill over, impacting your social life, work or school. You need an acne cure, but with so many choices, how can you find a cure that works for you? Here are a few ideas you may want to try to find the acne cure that works for you.

Ask Around - A great way to sort the acne cures that work from those that don't is to ask people you know. You'd be surprised at how many people have had acne at some stage or another of their lives, and particularly if you're in your teens, up to eighty five percent of your peers have probably suffered from acne. Find out which acne cures worked for them - they may not have quite the same result for you, but there's a good chance you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Do a Little Research - If you're looking for the best acne cures, you may find them in a variety of places. Why not take a trip to the pharmacy, and find out which commercial preparations are available to treat your spots? You could also try looking on the internet, and speaking to your doctor. Another good, but pricey, option is to see a dermatologist, who can probably prescribe an acne cure that will work for you.

Keep an Open Mind - Of course there will be acne cures that seem ridiculous, and some of them are, but there are some very effective herbal remedies out there, as well as dietary changes and other natural and supplementary measures you can take to make sure your chosen acne cures work as they should, and cut down the time it takes to do that. While there are some acne cures and old wives tales that will never help, there are many that do, so while you should take them with a pinch of salt, be prepared to try a few.

Forget the Myths - There have always been rumors that poor hygiene causes acne, or that eating too much chocolate makes it worse, just as there are some outlandish and crazy acne cure rumors out there. It's always a good idea to check first, as there are many myths and old wives tales, and spending your time worrying about them, or even trying potentially dangerous home remedies, can make things worse!

Whatever you do try, give it time to work - nothing will give you overnight results! You'll need to give each of the acne cures you try a few weeks at least to work or not before moving on.

Another great tip to bear in mind is not to get despondent - eventually, you will find an acne cure that works for you, and from then on, it's plain sailing, and smooth skin, all the way! - 14130

About the Author:

Instantly Increase Your Height With These 5 Tips

By Kenneth Jones

Searching for natural ways to increasing your height? Is the only way to increase height only possible through surgery and expensive supplements?

When you're not as tall as you want to be, it can cause unhappiness in your life. It's most unfortunate when you get passed over for a promotion or pay increase just because someone else is taller than you. Unfortunately, this bias exists to some extent and has to be handled regardless of whether you like it or not.

In the quest to improve the quality of their life, a lot of people have searched for the magic pill to grow taller over the years.

You'll be amazed to know that others have added inches to their height without having to undergo painful surgery, take expensive supplements or ingest dangerous drugs in their quest to grow taller.

To increase your height, the fastest way is to wear shoes that flatter your appearance. While this isn't a long term solution, it immediately makes you taller whenever you go out. You don't have to wear extremely high heels, or huge bulky shoes that look really odd.Even if you wear shoes that boost your height by 1-2 inches, you can feel the difference immediately. You can create the illusion that you are taller than you actually are just by wearing shoes that increase your height.

So why bother to do something like this?

You get to experience what it is to be 1 " 2 inches taller while you start your natural height increase program!

To make yourself look taller, wear clothes that enhance the illusion of height. When you know how to use fashion, you can not only look better, you can also look taller. Are you aware that vertical stripes actually make you look shorter? To look taller, wear vertical pinstripes instead. The extra bonus is that with the lines running vertically across your body, you not only look taller, you also look slimmer at the same time! Just avoid making it look too obvious with loud bold stripes. Avoid looking like you are trying hard to look taller by wearing something that blends into your overall outfit.

You immediately look taller or shorter just by changing your posture. Inches are added to your height when you sit or stand up straight. Just take a look around, you ll see that the majority of people do not sit or stand up straight. With good posture, you add confidence and height to your posture and become more noticeable. Don't try to disappear into the background by slouching over if you want to get noticed!

Doing stretching exercises do not not require a lot of time. By exercising regularly and stretching, you are helping your body to correct any muscle imbalances, straighten out your spine, and improve your overall physique. Individually, this may not seem much. You get a substantial transformation in your looks and your height when you add all these little changes together. Height increase exercises will help you to grow taller naturally. One of the best way to go is to increase your height naturally with stretching exercises.

Nothing makes you stand out more than confidence. When you have the confidence that you are good enough, you will always attract attention regardless of your height. While you can increase your height naturally with proven exercises, proper diets that naturally boost your human growth hormone levels, it all means nothing when you don't have confidence in yourself.

Do not be surprised that others will look at you differently when you choose to be confident. And if all you lack is really just confidence, you may not even really need to get taller.

If you're looking for a proven solution that will show you how to grow taller by teaching you the correct exercises and proper diet, we've reviewed several growing taller programs like Grow Taller 4 Idiots, How I Grow Taller, Grow Taller Dynamics and others on http://www.growtallerproductreports.com for your benefit and and add an extra inch immediately. - 14130

About the Author:

Medical Facts to Counter Aging

By Anju Mathur, MD

Growing old is an inescapable change in one's life. Accept yourself as you are - you hear people say this. Even though time marches on, there are things you can do to feel and look younger.

Choosing between a rewarding, eventful and creative life or one that is filled with cheerless and aching years late in life is really up to us because the know-how is within our reach to handle it. Don't ignore the fact that time continues, but actively counteract it.

Preventative measures through health management are cheaper than after the fact fixes.

How To Counter the Effects of Aging

This article is not about the consequences of living a very long life. The focus is on aging in a thriving style, which means keeping one's physical condition and being able to be useful up to the conclusion of one's lengthy life. Forming a starting point for healthy living, one should take advantage of valuable methods that aim at the obscured reasons of aging. Natural hormone replacement along with dietary change and exercise that can put together the groundwork of an anti-aging line up are the basis of this program.

Diseases and age-linked physical troubles can be prevented or reduced through up a proper diet, extra nutritional nourishment and natural hormone support.

An intelligent and comprehensive procedure to attain anti-aging and rejuvenation would include a plan of eliminating poisons in the body, determining nutritional needs and an understanding of their function combined with simple diet plans. Moreover, living an ecologically friendly life style, avoiding ecological pollutants and substitution of waning natural hormones (most vital) will allow you (a living organism) to productively flourish.

Natural Hormones Are Powerful and Successful Against Anti-Aging

To help turn around or hold off the usual aging process one needs to reinstate the hormone levels one had when one was young. This is a very significant part of anti-aging medicine.

Latest research has revealed how essential endocrine and hormone systems are to a healthy living organism. Without a well functioning system, the impact on the rest of the body is not good. The core of the system is called hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, which deals with growth, energy and libido functions.

Controlling of human growth hormone (HGH) levels is a influential anti-aging technique that has in essence no side effects at all. HGH was previously ignored as a factor, but is now known to be a substance released by the pituitary gland and mostly used up by adulthood.

At present additional attention has been put on finding out the purpose of organs that until now were a unknown. Research is being done to find out the functions of glands such as the thymus and pineal.

Amazing results can occur from balancing, sustaining and supplementing these glands. In addition to the advantage of lowered hazard of coronary disease, bone density, and many other deteriorating diseases, energy can be boosted and liveliness increased along with sex drive. Getting the hormone and immune systems in accord is known now to rely upon the thymus function. The hormone melatonin is a significant key in controlling the effects of aging.

Nutritional Sustenance

Supplementing food consumed is needed for a long, productive life. Current agricultural procedures delete many of the natural vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids from our food. Processing and preservation of our food by the adding artificial chemical compounds makes the situation worse and leaves numerous citizens in today's culture with a nutrient hungry body.

The most deteriorating diseases of this day and age, such as the large amount of various cancers, blood, lymph, coronary diseases and diseases pertaining to circulation, in which our genes may be either be beneficial or impediments, can be definitely overcome when personal drive and perseverance adds to the healing process.

You can carry out this change for the better by finding out how your own body is handing food and your own metabolic level. It is not what particular foods are doing to the body but how the body utilizes the fare and nutrients given to it. For more information about how your body uses food and nutrients go to healthexcel.com.

Some effort and a little bit of time and funds is required to learn how to achieve a suitable environment and good nutrition. The result will be unending good health, a most important possession.

Accurate Nutrients to Check the Aging Process

It is achievable to undo some of the harm already inflicted over time and slow the speed at which we grow old. Established natural techniques that avert and reduce age-related diseases include antioxidants such as glutathione, vitamins A, C, and E, and beta-carotene, fight free radicals. When we center on these and join them with physical activity and a tailored dietary plan we can slow the speed at which we grow old.

Free radicals and the damage they wreak is the central theory of why we age and they are implicated in such diseases as hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, late-onset diabetes, and Parkinson's disease. Day by day your body creates a bunch of waste materials that must repeatedly be detoxified and emptied from the body. Aging isn't caused by one aspect.

Hormone functions can be balanced by limited periods of restricted diets. The results can go on even after normal eating habits are restored. A restricted calorie diet (RCD) can be a major provider of life extension in mammals (that's us).

Exercise Keeps Your Body Young

How would you like to:

* Lose some pounds

* Reduce stress

* Alleviate symptoms of pain, gloominess and worry

* Reduce your risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer

* Boost mood and memory

* Have more energy

* Have a higher quality of sleep

* Improve bulk, mass and strength of your bones

* Fortify the heart and lungs

* Have a better quality of life?

Weight loss consists of two factors: stop storing fat and start burning already stored fat. The most effective method of burning excess fat is through exercise. To manage weight long-term it is important there is a regular exercise program. Without exercise, weight loss is virtually impossible.

By adding these components of a winning anti-aging plan in your life you can have the benefit of surviving a lot longer time. - 14130

About the Author:

Get the Most Out of Your Massage

By Suzy X Esquire

Many people view a massage as something that just feels good. However, the main purpose of the massage is a therapeutic treatment of the body. The build up of stress, toxins and body stiffness can cause discomfort. Massage therapy seeks to release the tension in the body, while flushing toxins and helping the mind to relax. There are many benefits of receiving massage therapy, but like any treatment there are ways to better maximize its effectiveness.

A massage is meant to be a holistic body treatment. These types of treatments have been given for centuries. Many of these traditional remedies have been incorporated into different massage techniques. There are many schools of thought on massage therapy. However, there are many common elements which can be used to help you get the most out of your treatment.

If you plan on getting a massage, do not eat immediately before hand. When you eat it causes blood to be diverging to your digestive tract. This helps the body to more effectively digest your meal. However this also affects the quality of a massage treatment. Generally, you may need 30 to 40 minutes to digest your food.

You want to avoid any areas that should not receive massage treatments. If you are unsure about receiving a massage treatment, then check with your health advisor. They can let you know is it would be wise to receive a massage in that area. When first receiving a massage, it is typical to feel some discomfort as these areas may be sensitive to start.

Relax your mind by playing some music. Music is typically played during a massage treatment. Find relaxing tracks with subtle melodies and rhythms. This will help to keep your mind off of stressful situations. Normally, it is preferred to have music without any vocals. This helps your mind to drift to the rhythm of the music and not focus on words and thoughts.

When pressure is eight applied during the massage this can cause disc comfort. Some people are more sensitive to this type of action. They will tend to resist the massage and tense their muscles. This can cause you to increase your breathing rate as you again to fight the massage. Check your breathing rate and make sure it stays consistent during the massage.

Minimize the distractions during your massage therapy make sure that your cell phone is off and other communication sources are blocked out. It is important to relax from start to finish getting the most benefit. Your mind needs to let go of the tension and let the body be penetrated by the massage.

Receive your massage in a soft lighting environment. A couple of candles can completely change the mood of a room. Turn off the lights and use a candle. The flickering of the flame and the lowlight level is very relaxing.

Use one of your favorite fragrances in the room. Aromatherapy is quite common to help induce a state of relaxation. With repeated use, the fragrance can help jumpstart your mind into a state of relaxing.

Another good habit to develop after getting a massage is to drink a glass of water. Certain massage techniques help to flush toxins out of the body. This is facilitated to a much greater capacity and a glass of water is drinking after receiving the massage. These toxins can be trapped in the soft tissue areas and with certain techniques they are released and need to be removed from the body.

These are just a few tips to help you get the most out of a massage. It is important that the environment and your mental state are congruent with relaxing massage therapy. If you are too distracted, then your body and muscles will not relax. Also, to get the real benefits of massage it must be received on a frequent basis. Just like diet and exercise, it must be done more than time. - 14130

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Finding the Best Cures for Nail Fungus

By Rashel Dan

Nail fungus can infect both the fingernails and toenails. Since the foot is more exposed to the warm, dark and damp environment that breeds fungus, it is, however, more likely to be infected than the fingernails. The main concern with nail fungus is the discoloration that it brings to the nails. The infected nails develop a yellowish or brownish color, and could even turn nails into black. In some cases, white spots are seen on the infected nails. Also, the infected nails become brittle and crumbly, and could fall off eventually. If left untreated, it could bring about discomfort and pain, other than the embarrassment it can cause. Luckily, there are many cures for nail fungus.

Treatment for nail fungus may take time and effort. It is true that nails serve as very effective protection to your fingers and toes. Because of this, it is somewhat difficult for a minor infection to invade the nail. However, when an infection settles, the same nails that protect you can work against you, thus making it more difficult to treat fungal infection. The nails then become a safe place for the fungus. The fungus lives underneath the nail and is protected. Treatment then becomes more difficult.

Fortunately, there are some cures for nail fungus present in the market today. Of course, the rate of efficiency varies, so better consider all the options first before finally settling on one.

Do-It-Yourself Treatments

Homemade Treatments - There are home remedies for nail fungus. Mouthwash is a powerful antiseptic, and soaking your nails into it can leave your nails looking healthy. Another option is to use vinegar, and if possible use natural apple cider vinegar. Mixing warm water and vinegar in equal proportions can be a good solution where you can soak your nails in. You can also try using natural oils such as tea tree oil, lavender oil and oregano oil. These oils contain antibacterial and antifungal properties among others. However, keep in mind that these treatments are ineffective and you could end up wasting time.

Nail Fungus Creams - You can opt for lotions and creams. However, again these are generally ineffective since they do not eliminate nail fungus at its root cause. It is applied only to the surface and does not penetrate the nail beds.

Prescription Medications - There are prescription medications that treat nail fungus. But bear in mind that these usually have side effects. Some of these medicines can cause liver failure, congestive heart failure, and even death. The Topical Choice

Natural Ingredients - It is recommended that you go for a topical, all natural solution. Choose one that contains natural oils from plants that contain antifungal and antibacterial properties like tea tree, jojoba and almond oil. This type of treatment is developed to treat the underlying cause of unsightly nails. It is effective and safe since it uses natural ingredients. The solution penetrates the nails and protects it. This is a good and safe choice is you want to get rid of that nail fungus fast. - 14130

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Sleep Sound With Herbal Supplements

By Buck Heinz

It is no secret that herbal supplements provide a lot of benefits to the human body. Throughout the years, these supplements have given alternatives for men and women to lose weight, defy aging, as well as maintain a well balanced life.

Herbals have many documented uses but probably the greatest benefit that you can receive from herbals would be sleep enhancement. With things getting tougher at work and in different fast-paced environments, a lot of individuals are struggling to find ways to fight their sleeping disorders.

Herbal supplements ingredients help the body to relax and instills a sense of calmness without the side effects of other sleep aids. One of the best things about health supplements is that it engages natural methods to help the human body function better. Unlike random medications prescribed by commercial doctors, you can feel good to know that the ingredients of the supplements do not place any harm to your body.

You can find good suppliers for quality herbal supplements online or in your local health food store without having to visit a doctor or spend unnecessary money. The most popular ingredients included in the supplements are melatonin, chamomile, tryptophan and valerian.

Chamomile enjoys a widespread popularity which speaks to its effectiveness as a sleep aid for the masses. Chamomile can be served in a form of a tea that can provide you with a more restful sleep.

Valerian, on the other hand, is an ingredient that is taken from the roots of the actual herb. It is important to take the supplements regularly in order to attain better sleep.

The "sleep hormone" melatonin is regarded by people as an herbal that can promote a substantial amount of relaxation and rest. As an essential hormone in the body, a lot of men and women find themselves lacking supply of the hormone, which causes them to have disrupted sleeps at night. When taking melatonin, it is much easier for them to find utmost slumber.

Tryptophan which is a amino acid is another good herbal sleep aid choice. These supplements contain amino acids that encourage a person to have a more stable rest. Bottom line is there numerous choices when it comes to herbal sleep aids so it may require some experimentation to figure out what is most suitable for you. - 14130

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Cervical Spine

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

Our necks are our spines continuing above shoulder level so that our head can be supported and facilitated in its job. The neck is beautifully designed and engineered and performs its highly complex functions automatically without us having to give them any thought. Our heads are very heavy and placed on top of the lever which is the neck, however we can move them or stop moving them very quickly, positioning them at a very specific point within the large ranges of movement the neck can perform. The ears and eyes, some of our most vital organs of sensory input, are placed on the head and the neck has to serve their needs.

The neck is a complex of bones, ligaments, joints, discs and muscles. However it is important not to forget the rich supply of nerves which flow down from the nearby brain and have a variety of functions. Nerve commands go to the muscles for movement, nerve impulses flow from the skin, discs, muscle and joints to inform the brain what is going on and help with balance, and other nerves control circulation to the area. The complexity and delicacy of the neck is in conflict with its need to provide maximum range of motion and this can lead to difficulties.

When the neck starts to give problems they are usually mechanical at least initially, in other words the symptoms vary with posture and what the person is doing physically with their neck. Neck symptoms typically include pain and loss of movement but can also cover a very long list of other symptoms such as headache, dizziness, vision disturbance, balance loss, weakness and mental difficulties. Restoration of a relative state of normality can be established by settling down the joint and other dysfunctions in the neck.

Large degrees of joint mobility are present in the cervical spinal region and this is partly made possible by the greater thickness of the intervertebral discs in the cervical region compared to the other spinal areas. Larger ranges of movement are possible with thicker discs, and the facet joints are structurally larger than similar joints in any other spinal areas. The large gliding motions which are possible in the neck allow its high levels of mobility in the compromise between mobility and stability in the spine.

The atlas and the axis vertebrae, known also as the C1 and C2 vertebrae, are structurally quite different from the other five neck bones and are designed to manage the movement and support of the skull. The atlas and axis joint, the atlanto-axial joint, has a structure which ensures it has very great rotatory ability and this joint contributes significantly to the rotation of the whole neck. Neck movements are very extensive and include extension, flexion, side flexions and rotations, facilitating our ability to precisely place our faces in a huge range of positions so that we can perform the activities we wish to.

The underlying stability of the cervical spine is aided by the thoracic spine underneath it, also providing increased mobility. Without the contribution to its ease of motion from the thorax the neck would suffer increased forces where it meets the stiffer and heavier parts at each end, the thoracic spine and the skull. The neck projects from the thoracic spine up to the exposed and heavy head, the surrounding muscles acting like guy ropes to maintain it in a stabilised position under load and without shaking. It's a hard job as the head weighs a lot and is forward of the gravity centre so the muscular systems must have good strength and endurance to keep the head where we want it.

The flexor muscles of the neck are at the front and do not have a very difficult job, only working hard when we get up from lying on the back. The extensor muscles, however, are designed to hold our heads up and have to do it for many hours a day, frequently for the whole day. They only go off line when we lie down or start to nod off in a train for example, as our heads fall forward without the support of the extensors. Looking at the neck muscles it can be seen that although they may balance the neck there is significant downward compressive forces produced on the neck structures. - 14130

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Massage, Fitness and Nutrition for Health and Wellness

By Sue Saiah


How does massage and bodywork promote health and wellness? How does massage therapy involve diet, nutrition and fitness?

About Dana.

I am a licensed and certified massage therapist and bodyworker; certified nutritionist and certified fitness trainer. I have worked on high profile sports medical teams. My work prevents injuries and speeds healing of injuries. I am all about health and fitness. That requires exercise, good nutrition and bodywork.

What I Learned.

I have had my battles with health over the years, and I try to work with the body to promote and enhance health and wellbeing. Proper nutrition provides the essentials for the body to heal itself. Fitness stimulates healing. Massage enhances the natural healing ability of the body.

This Blog.

This blog is a great opportunity to chat about natural healing, the important role of nutrition and fitness and how massage and bodywork can help you to be healthier and happier.


This blog is your resource for natural health and wellness information. Learn natural ways to keep the body healthy and in balance. Learn how to use what nature has given us " good food, nutrients, fresh water and exercise for the best results. Enhance those results with massage and bodywork.

Natural Wellness.

I will discuss natural ways to enhance your wellbeing. This has been such a large part of my life for so very, very many years. I have shared much advice with my massage clients over the years and now I will share it with you here. I also include other health information as it all relates to wellness.


Holistic therapies, such as massage and bodywork teach us that the body is well designed with all sorts of checks and balances. It will work well for you and support you in spite of many strains going against it. Your body works very hard for you.

Natures Way.

There is an innate intelligence in the body and it works on a cellular level. Your body constantly is offsetting the harm done to it daily, replenishing and rebuilding itself. We use massage, bodywork, nutrition and fitness to support and stimulate this innate intelligence.

Better and Better.

Using proper diet and exercise, we can support our bodies by working with this mechanism instead of against it. By taking care of ourselves we can live better, longer and healthier than otherwise. Life is not perfect, but there are degrees toward which we can strive and achieve. Amazing results can he had, just by assisting our bodies' amazing mechanism for preservation and rejuvenation with diet, fitness, nutrition, and bodywork.

Natural Effectiveness.

Nature also provides many means of supporting this mechanism. Some of the most effective things are the most natural. Bodywork and massage are entirely natural. Eating good, healthy foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients, drinking fresh water, and getting plenty of fresh air and exercise is the most effective thing you can do for your body.

The Extra Boost.

Herbs and nutritional supplements provide an extra boost. Massage, chiropractic and Bodyworx help to realign and balance the body, removing unnatural stresses so it can restore optimal functioning. Essential oils are a specialty of mine, and they can be used in a variety of ways toward many purposes.

Come Visit Us.

I encourage you to use this health and wellness blog as a resource. Visit our sites for more information, tips and nutritional products. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. - 14130

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