Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How many Headaches a Week is Normal?

By Robert Walcher D.C.

Common Headaches

Headaches have quickly become one of the most common maladies today. Some would go so far to suggest that headaches are more common than the common cold itself. At suitably so, the most common over the counter drug sold is headache remedies.

One estimate contends that some 50 million people in the U.S. get severe, long-lasting, recurring headaches. While most headaches are not signs of serious underlying conditions, they are extremely distracting and account for a significant loss of work time.

Over the counter medications are the quickest fix for most people suffering a headache. It seems that we have become a society that relies heavily on OTC medications and will pop pills at the first sign of trouble. Pain relievers or analgesics however have their own side effects, one of which is a headache. Rebound headaches are "drug induced" caused by the very medicines we take to overcome the headache in the first place.

The more pain relievers we take the more our bodies begin to rely on them. With prolonged use our tolerance increases and it will take more amounts of pain relievers to stop the headache. It is a vicious circle. Not only will these 'drug induced' or rebound headaches become worse, they will be harder to control.

An alternative approach to headaches, like that of a chiropractor, can be the very best source of getting rid of headaches for good.

What is Your Headache Telling You?

The pain from a headache is simply your body trying to tell you something. The headache itself is simply a warning sign and it is up to you to find out the deeper root cause of the headache itself. Until you do, they will simply continue.

Headaches are caused from many things. Some people suffer headaches from stress, allergies, sinus trouble, eyestrain and even lack of nutrition. In addition to that, there are many different kinds of headaches. Some people suffer from tension headaches, migraines or cluster headaches. Each offers their own distinct symptom and all are equally painful.

As we continue to treat our headaches with pain medication we perpetuate our problems. Treating just the symptoms will not address the reason we continue to have headaches and we will further worsen our own condition. Pain medication is not a permanent fix to headaches.

Putting Up With Headaches

Having a headache each week is not normal. Anyone who puts up with headaches on a routine basis should take a look at using a chiropractor to find a permanent and lasting cure.

Headaches are normally caused by pressure on the nervous system. Often times the pressure stems from a subsequent misalignment that is heightened by stress, tension or trauma. A chiropractor can take the unique approach at alleviating the pressure on the nervous system and thus creating a result that rids you of headaches for good. When the vertebrae are aligned properly through an adjustment tension on the nerves is adequately released. Scientific evidence suggests that a chiropractic approach to headaches is a highly effective remedy.

Your Body is Telling you Something

Everyone should take the time to listen to their body. Taking pain killers is never a solution and will simply put a Band-Aid on the root problem. As your headaches continue you will see that the best avenue for a cure is to seek a chiropractic evaluation and specific adjustment tailored to your own needs. Not only is it a trusted remedy, it is safe and has no side effects.

The only thing you will your headache! Try a chiropractor today! - 14130

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