Saturday, February 14, 2009

Heal Your Heart With Acupuncture

By Keira Adams

There are many drugs on the market that can be used to help heart disease. However, with any drug a patient risks the possibility of side effects. Therefore, many people are turning to alternative medicine practices to help improve their heart health and treat heart disease without the harmful side effects of drugs.

Acupuncture has become increasingly common among people working to treat or prevent heart disease. This is an ancient Chinese medicine practice where very tiny needles are placed strategically in the body to improve health.

According to tradition, acupuncture aids in the movement of blocked energy in your body. It removes the obstruction and facilitates the flow of energy once again. And research indicates that there's something to this practice.

Scientific investigation shows evidence that acupuncture can relieve hypertension, which in turn reduces the chances of heart disease. There is also data that shows it can decrease the risk of angina, which is chest pains caused when the heart's blood vessels go into spasm. In the studies, those who chose acupuncture to treat their angina recuperated sooner than those who relied on traditional medication.

Acupuncture is generally painless because the needles used are so tiny. It can also be a relaxing experience. Once the needles are inserted into your body, you lie quietly for several minutes and rest.

Before choosing an acupuncturist, do a little homework to make sure of certification by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. This tells you that your acupuncturist has the training required to practice this type of medicine and continues to refresh their education.

Acupuncture is covered by some medical insurance, but most people will probably have to pay out of pocket. Visits range widely in cost across the country. It's a good idea to call several practitioners in your area to find out about the going rate.

Generally, you'll need to make a few visits before you start seeing results. But in the end it will mostly likely be well worth your time since you won't be experiencing the side effects and possible addiction that normally go along with the use of medication.

It's not unusual to be a little apprehensive of trying an alternative therapy. But if you do a little research on the internet you will find that the benefits of acupuncture are starting to be recognized by the medical community. Since the Chinese have relied on acupuncture since ancient times, modern western society might just need to catch up.

Many studies are confirming what people have known traditionally for a long time - acupuncture does work in many cases. - 14130

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