Monday, February 9, 2009

Cluster Headaches and Natural Treatments

By Christian Goodman

Most everyone will suffer at least one headache in their lifetimes which cannot be explained by an underlying medical problem. These are known as primary headaches. These include: Migraine, Tension and Cluster.

I've received so many emails from clients, letting me know how my all natural Migraine and Headache Relief program has help them relieve their tension and/or migraine headaches - all without relying on medicine.

Some of my clients have started asking me if my program can help them with cluster headaches. To better help answer that question, I'll first explain the three different types of primary headaches.

A tension headache is described as pain in the head, neck and/or scalp. It can feel like a band squeezing the affected area. Over 80% of headache sufferers fall into this category.

Women are generally twice as likely suffer from tension headaches the men. For most, the pain is not unbearable and most can go through their daily routines without interruption.

Common triggers for these types of headaches can be: stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, poor posture, depression and fatigue. Tension headaches last anywhere from 30 minutes to a week. These headaches fall into two categories: episodic, which means lasting less than 15 days a month or chronic, which means lasting more than 15 days per month.

Most who suffer from this type of headache will not require medicine. Relief from this type of headache is most often acheived through relaxation exercises which include deep breathing exercises.

Migraine headaches, however, are considered vascular. This is an abnormal sensitivity of the arteries and the blood flow into the brain which causes pain in the affected areas. This type of headache is the second most common of the primary headaches.

This type of headache is caused by an improper flow of blood to the arteries, causing them to rapidly constrict and dilate. This causes a moderate to sever throbbing sensation (including pain) generally on one side of the head but it can spread to both sides.

Women are 3 times as likely to have a migraine headache disorder. Some sufferers only experience infrequent and moderately painful migraines but for most, these headaches are frequent and debilitating, forcing the sufferer to lie motionless and give up daily tasks until the headache dissapates (generally 4 to 72 hours later but sometimes weeks later).

Symptoms include: Vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, sensitivity to smells and sometimes an "aura" or other visual impairment.

Common triggers for migraine include: some foods (wine, cheese, processed meats, chocolate), smells or fumes, loud noises, stress, MSG, aspartame, and changes in the weather. Certain headache medications can trigger migraine headaches as well.

Other treatments can include breathing and relaxation exercises (as a preventative) and oxygen therapy if the patient is currently experiencing a headache.

A cluster headache is the least common of the primary headaches but is by far the most painful. It has even been dubbed the "suicide" headache due to the fact that some with this condition have resorted to this as a means of dealing with the pain.

Cluster headaches are just that - headaches that occur in clusters. They usually happen several times a day (usually at the same time each day) and continue for several weeks. Many find they dissipate after a few months but then will recur with the same frequency and intensity.

Unlike tension and migraine headaches, cluster headaches tend to come on without any warning and generally are unilateral (affecting only one side of the brain). Pain behind the eye of the affected area is a common complaint. The attacks are severe and tend to last for an hour or less.

Unlike migraine sufferers, cluster headache sufferers tend to feel worse while lying motionless and some will pace, take a hot shower or even bang their heads against a wall. The pain is caused by a dilation in the blood vessels, which in turn puts pressure on the trigeminal nerve. The cause of this abnormal blood flow is unknown.

Unlike migraine and tension headaches, men tend to suffer far more than women from cluster headaches - 5 times as much. Other symptoms of a cluster headache can include drooping eyelid of the affected side and blocked nasal passage. This is why doctors often mis-diagnose this condition as a sinus infection.

There are triggers for cluster headaches which include: Fatigue or lack of sleep, sleep apnea, snoring, nitroglycerine, stress, smoking, alcohol, and some foods. Just like migraines, cluster headaches are regarded as episodic or chronic.

Cluster headaches tend to have a seasonal rhythm which means sufferers tend to get them during the spring or fall. The headaches will happen at the same time each day, several times per day. Many of the attacks start during REM sleep, so sufferers will try to avoid sleep and the ensuing headache.

Several studies have been performed on cluster headache sufferers and one common theme has come forward - sleep apnea and excessive snoring seem to be the most common trigger. These both involve not getting enough oxygen to the brain. When these conditions were treated, researchers found that most of the time the cluster headaches subsided.

A proper diagnosis will involve both a medical history, since some cluster headaches are partly genetic and a physical examination. Sometimes a CT or MRI will be ordered to rule out another medical condition.

Pain medication is often prescribed but most is not preventative - they simply help treat the pain once the headache starts. There are other preventative medicines. However, the side effects are oftentimes severe, including high blood pressure, liver conditions and angina.

One effective treatment once the headache has begun is oxygen therapy.

My Migrain and Headache Relief Program is all natural and includes deep breathing exercises that provide desperately needed oxygen to the brain. In addition, my Stop Snoring Program is extremently effective and can help in ways you wouldn't believe if snoring is your trigger. It is easy and all natural.

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