Sunday, September 7, 2008

Why Do I Have Gout?

By Mark John

Gout is probably the most painful arthritis condition, which is recognised as a chronic disease, gout is a metabolic disorder.

Gout is a form of arthritis that produces intense bursts of joint pain and affects millions of people, with men being the most susceptible.

Many people have the impression that the curse of gout is an entirely self-inflicted condition suffered by glutton and over indulgence, just like royals and the aristocracy of old, this however is is not the whole story as we now know.

Gout is characterised by sudden, burning pain and swelling and is more common in men than in women. Gout often attacks the big toe.

Gout tends to be more severe in people who experience symptoms before the age of 30. Gout sufferers who also have diabetes or kidney problems may find their gout attacks to be far more frequent.

Gout, like most arthritic conditions is chronic (on going), the condition is a result of a metabolic disorder, excessive amounts of uric acid leave crystal like deposits in the joint area.

Studies indicate that almost 1% of the adult population may experience symptoms of gout at some time in their lives. Frequent attacks of gout, left untreated can lead to joint deformity and in some cases damage to other organs.

Treating Gout

Many would describe gout as an incurable disease, as they would with most diseases associated with arthritis, and this may be true if taken literally, however if we treat the underlying issues contributing to gout, then all symptoms of gout can be irradiated. There are medical, dietary, alternative, and lifestyle approaches to treating gout (or the underlying contributing factors of gout).

Modern medicine encourage the use of anti-inflammatory and pain killing drugs, however due to their toxicity these drugs often add to the problem, and can worsen gout in the long term. Natural anti-oxidants combined with a couple of simple life changes will relieve gout quickly and safely. Many of these remedies are freely available, use them in the right combination and you will see dramatic results.

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