Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Getting the Cure for Bad Breath

By Rone Hooper

The Main Cure For Bad Breath

Are you looking for a cure for bad breath? If you suffer from bad breath, you are not alone. It is estimated that at least one in four people suffer from bad breath, or also known as Halitosis. Until you find a cure for bad breath, you may be giving people the wrong impression about yourself. Bad breath should be treated so that it does not interfere with the way others interact with you.

Bacteria in Your Mouth Causes Bad Breath

Oral bacteria that live in the mouth cause ninety percent of the cases of bad breath. Many of the bacteria live at the back of the tongue where bad breath commonly gathers. In order to get rid of the bad breath, it is necessary to dislodge the bacteria from the crevices in which it hides in the mouth.

Food can get stuck in between the teeth, in the gum line, and on the tongue. If this food is not removed regularly, it can build up and bacteria will start to grow. So if there is a problem bad breath, it is a good sign that there is odor causing bacteria growing.

Get Rid Of The Bacteria

Getting rid of the bacteria in the mouth is one of the best ways of curing bad breath. You can do this by brushing your teeth after every meal, flossing at least once a day, and scraping the tongue of any plaque build up. The tongue can be the biggest avenues for bad breath because of the texture - bacteria loves it!

Brushing and flossing are essential to getting rid of the odor causing bacteria in your mouth. Unless you fully dislodge the bacteria, mouthwash or gum will only mask the smell and not cure it.

Once you've found a cure for bad breath, you'll feel must freer to participate in close communication and social activities again. There's nothing like having a cure for bad breath that really works!

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