Friday, September 26, 2008

What Causes Ovarian Cysts?

By Jay Tyler

Ovarian cysts can develop for many reasons. Every month during a typical menstrual cycle, the ovaries produce follicles which resemble cysts in structure. The follicles produce the estrogen and progesterone hormones. Common causes of ovarian cysts occur when a follicle keeps growing beyond its normal time period and becomes an ovarian cyst.

Among ovarian cysts, follicular cysts are the most prevalent. They hardly ever produce any symptoms and usually resolve by themselves. They are usually harmless. Follicular ovarian cysts are usually caused when the pituitary gland hormones that stimulate egg release by the ovaries cause the follicle to swell instead. The enlarged follicle develops into a cyst.

When you body is having luteinizing hormone surges during your monthly cycle, this is when an egg is released. The follicle that developed ruptures and an egg is released, producing estrogen and progesterone preparing your body for the possible conception. At this stage the follicle is known as a Corpus Luteum. If the Corpus luteum seals off and starts collecting fluid inside a cyst is formed.

Treatment is normally not needed for a corpus luteum cyst as it typically disappears. Before it does disappear it can grow to almost 4 inches in diameter. Hemorrhaging and twisting of the ovary can also potentially occur. Severe pelvic and abdominal pain can result. Corpus luteum cysts may rupture if filled with blood, this can cause sharp pain and internal bleeding.

Clomiphene citrate, a commonly prescribed fertility drug to induce ovulation, might be a cause of ovarian cysts. Usage of this drug may result in an increased risk that a corpus luteum cyst might develop. Corpus luteum cysts by themselves do not pose a risk to pregnancy.

Ovarian cysts containing blood, known as hemorrhagic or endometrioid cysts form in the same way. The presence of blood might have been the result of an injury or from leakage of surrounding blood vessels through to the egg sac. When causes of ovarian cysts from bleeding and shedding of endometrial tissue occurs in the ovaries, painful cysts may form. If left to continue, the pooling blood may rupture causing pelvic pain.

Though it is not possible to completely prevent the causes of ovarian cysts, increasing exercise, controlling stress, improving the quality of your diet, and improving your health can help minimize the probability of the development of an ovarian cyst.

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