Friday, September 19, 2008

Curing Nail Fungus with Self-Care and Natural Methods

By Rashel Dan

Curing nail fungus can be tough. Nail fungus happens when tiny organisms such as Tinea unguium infects your nails, either the fingernails or toenails. The fungus lives underneath the nail and feeds on the keratin that makes up the hard surface of the toe nail.

Because the fungus grows underneath the nail, the nail actually serves as a barrier that protects the fungus and allows it to grow. Nail fungus rarely goes away on its own, so it is important to get it treated as soon as it is detected.

Treatment Options - Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to cure nail fungus. A particular type of treatment that is very effective is using topical solutions that can be bought without a prescription. These antifungal topical solutions treat the underlying cause of nail fungus by using the power of all natural essential oils found in plants such as jojoba, lavender, lemongrass, clove, almond and tea tree oil, which all work to fight the infection and provide smoother skin. And because it is made of natural ingredients, you are sure that it is safe and that it does not have any adverse side effects that usually go with prescription medication. Also, it is very easy to apply. Just continue treatment for some time, pair it with self-care, and your nails will surely have a clearer and healthier appearance.


Hygiene and Self-Care - Self-care is also very important in treating nail fungus. To help prevent fungal infections, you should keep these tips in mind. Always keep your feet dry, especially the space between your toes where moisture is more likely to be retained. After showering or swimming, dry your feet thoroughly using a clean towel.

Always keep a dry feet. If you have sweaty feet, then use foot powder. Wear absorbent socks made of 100 percent pure materials like cotton or wool. Avoid closed and nonporous shoes made of synthetic materials. When using communal showers, swimming pools, saunas and spas, wear footwear like sandals. Don't go barefoot in these public areas.

Choose your nail salons carefully. When having a manicure or pedicure in a salon, make sure that they sterilize their instruments. Don't lend or borrow emery boards, nail clippers, nail files and etc.

Trim your nails regularly. Avoid using artificial nails and nail polish since they could have a negative impact on nails.

Recommended Diet

Your food diet plays an important part in curing nail fungus. People with nail fungus should take in more probiotics (good bacteria) such as yogurt and kefir. Good bacteria will help your body eliminate the fungus. Olive leaf extract is also a very good internal antifungal agent. Cut down on refined carbohydrates and if possible, reduce intake of sugar, white bread, beer, whine, vinegar, tea, melons, mushrooms, dried fruits, and berries.

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