Friday, May 22, 2009

Why Do You Need A Body Detox?

By Isabelle Mihajlov

I know you've been thinking about body detox. Otherwise you wouldn't have come onto this site, sniffing out information. And my guess is that you've come here for a definitive list of what detox systems work, of whether you should go with teas or pre-mixes, or sludge, or simply pay the hundreds of dollars for that colonic you've always known you should have gotten but have up until now avoided. Well, my friend: it's a new day. Healthful living is popularized because health care itself is getting prohibitively more expensive.

Part of the rationalization behind getting detox-- one of the central arguments you'll hear on health and fitness websites, on day-time talk shows, maybe even at the YMCA when you're taking your kid to a swim class or something-- is that these people want to be able to live longer. I don't know whether that's really a good thing. This is an over-populated country as it is, and in a certain sense it's rather selfish for any of us to want to live longer.

Haven't we learned from the glut of Baby-Boomers clogging up Social Security that the whole "Be fruitful and multiply" thing has gotten way, way out of hand? So you've come onto this site, you realize that we've got food shortages across the globe, that our credit and financial systems are total wrecks, and you have the sheer audacity to look for ways to live LONGER?

So now that you know that we understand you (or at least we'd like to think we do,) consider this:

So before you go any further with this-- before you start ordering your lifetime supply of body detox from this or any other site, please consider: your willingness to better yourself and your desire to live a happier, cleaner, and longer life may well be in the way of the development of a new one. So before you make the choice to improve your own life, ask yourself: is your life really worth prolonging? - 14130

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