Thursday, May 28, 2009

Step Up Your Meditation Abilities Using Brainwave Entrainment

By Feel Good

Why do other people find it difficult to meditate? They either stay on their beta state or fall asleep. They just can't stay long enough in lower brainwave level for several minutes. Meditation can be difficult to achieve but with the use of brainwave entrainment technology, the difficulty can be erased.

We often experience the lower brainwave frequencies of alpha and theta waves. When we are relaxed, doing nothing, taking a shower, or maybe driving a car are some situations when you dip into the lower brainwaves. However in these conditions, the mental chatter can still occupy most of your thoughts. This is contrary to the goal of meditation which is to silence the conscious chatter and give room for the multitude of information and creativity of the unconscious mind to be heard and hopefully surface to our conscious awareness for it to be tapped.

A common technique to achieve the meditative state is to close your eyes and notice every sensation you feel when you take in air and exhale. Notice the air passing into your nostrils. Notice it enter your lungs. Notice how your lungs and diaphragm expand. Notice also everything you feel when you exhale. That is one good way of eliminating the mental murmur, you fill your mind with a few thoughts.

Vocalizing a simple sound can bring you to a meditation level like the famous 'OM'. take in breath and while you exhale you say the word 'OM' and feel the vibration in your vocal cords. Repeat this till you get to the meditative state.

Meditation requires practice and the goal is to tame the mental chatter as to let the messages from the unconscious surface to conscious awareness. With lesser negative thoughts which accompanies the mental chatter, the subconscious mind can perform better in managing the various bodily functions which it is responsible for. This means better health and lessens the stress.

Brainwave entrainment can hasten the time in which you can reach the meditative state. A sound is produced which is designed to entrain your brain to generate a lower brainwave frequency. A popular brainwave entrainment technology is binaural beats which requires headphones to accomplish the task.

There are other entrainment technologies that are more superior to binaural beats and may not require headphones. Isochronic tones provides better entrainment than binaural beats and monaural beats.

Isochronic tones are by far more effective than the others. Depending on the tone's design, you can reach the alpha, theta or delta brainwaves quicker. You just listen to it and after several minutes, your brain will generate the desired brainwave frequency and let you stay there for much longer.

Using isochronic tones or other brainwave technology, a person can reach the desired meditative state of the alpha and theta waves in a matter of minutes. There are persons though who need to use it several times before they can reach a desired entrainment.

Practice meditation to become more creative, have more focus and concentration, be stress free and live a more joyful life. Brainwave entrainment can make it easier for you to achieve the meditative state. - 14130

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