Friday, May 22, 2009

Determine What Is The Acne Remedy For You.

By Clayton D.

What is acne exactly?- Acne is a very common skin condition that occurs when oil glands are overactive. Instead of the oil lubricating and coating the skin evenly it get's trapped in pores with dirt, dead skin cells and hair plugging the follicle and causing infection. The cause of the acne must first be established before a suitable acne remedy can be identified.

Recognizing acne- The condition is often incorrectly diagnosed or wrongfully recognized. This is most probably as a result of different skin conditions resembling acne. It is important to identify certain acne features such as excessively oily skin, white and black head break-outs and large bumps on and under the skin.

Types of acne- Acne can be classified as either inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The two most common types of non inflammatory acne are white- and blackheads. Whiteheads are formed when sebum and bacteria is trapped just below the skin surface. These lesions take the form of tiny white spots requiring a very close look before you will be able to notice them. Blackheads are formed when pores are open and sebum and dirty blocks the pore just as with the case of white heads. However the melanin and oxidizes contained in the sebum discolours to black or brown. Blackheads are very stubborn, they will not wash away easily and the black contents takes a very long time to drain. There two types on inflammatory acne namely papule's and pustules. Papules form when the follicle wall is broken, white blood cells rush into the area and pores become painful and terribly inflamed. Pustules form when white blood cells surface after a couple of days. These inflamed areas can become even more inflamed, turning into nodules when follicles totally collapse causing very painful bumps or Cysts.

Triggers- Acne can be triggered by bad hygiene, unhealthy diet, insomnia, vitamin deficiency, stress or hormonal changes.

Treatment options- Acne treatment options are endless with great medical developments over last few years, treating the skin condition with incredible success. Natural remedies to prescription drugs are just a prescription or quick trip to your kitchen or garden away.

Home remedies- Apple Cider Vinegar is a very effective acne remedy clearing both spots and acne scars. The vinegar should be dabbed on the spots and left overnight. Calamine Lotion is not just great for treating chicken pox but also acne by merely dotting the lotion onto the spots. Aloe Vera gel or sap will clear the skin condition within a couple of month as well as improve skins' overall health.

Water- Water, water and more water. Water is the most natural and safest way of detoxing your body from harmful and poisonous build-up in the blood stream and liver. You will definitely see the difference in your skins' appearance after only a couple of days of hydration. You skin will be soft and glowing.

Nutrients- A lack of vitamins or minerals in your dietary programme can cause severe acne break-outs. Various vit and mineral supplements are available at your local health store.

Medical attention- It is always recommended to seek medical attention before you start treatment to any medical condition. Your Physician or Dermatologist will shed light on the best treatment for your skin condition as acne and skin type should be taken into consideration. - 14130

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