Thursday, May 28, 2009

Find out Why Vinpocetine increases brain function

By James Zack

A plant named Periwinkle produces a chemical compound from which Vinpocetine is produced and manufactured. European continents have been using Vinpocetine since years as a supplement of nutrition to treat the reduction of stroke and memory, which occurs along with the increase in age in individuals.

Vinpocetine acts in the same way as Gingkgo Biloba to improve flow of blood to the brain. A few scientists have felt that Vinpocetine is very important in enhancing memory of people, specifically those who have problems in remembering things because of disorders.

The Reality of Vinpocetine in Boosting Memory Power:

In a particular case study, approximately a dozen of healthy women were asked to intake Vinpocetine before undergoing a series of four mental analyses. Out of the four tests, results stated that Vinpocetine is more effectual as compared to placebo. The test calculated short-term memory power by means of a task in which they had to memorize numbers. Subjects, who took Vinpocetine performed significantly better compared to those, who took placebos.

Vinpocetine is also important so that problems like strokes, memory troubles and senile dementia can be cured or even stopped from attacking your body. How it works is through enriching the brain with blood. Also, Vinpocetine works only on the areas which need to be cured by increasing the width of the blood vessels. Apart from this, it also helps in enhancing auditory and visual power while even lowering menopause related problems. Therefore, it is an important type of brain supplement because of the different ways in which it can be used, particularly for enhancing memory.

Scientific research illustrates that the injured areas connected to the brain have a positive effect of Vinpocetine on them. It is also responsible to raise the brain's energy level apart from boosting your memory power.

Vinpocetine is also known to slow down Arteriosclerosis, which is a very hazardous problem that can cause strokes. Also, as Vinpocetine is an effective anti-oxidant, it also saves the brain from getting old. If you consider the big picture, Vinpocetine also eases premenstrual pains and aches and gives immense comfort. These different reasons make it into a good vitamin for the body, especially the brain.

Important Note:

It is a good idea to consult a doctor because if you consume Vinpocetine along with powerful medicines like Picamilone, Anthinol, Nicergoline, Nicotinate, Gingkgo Biloba and Hydergine, it can have some very serious consequences because these cause the arteries to dilate.

There is another name by which Vinpocetine is known and that is "Brain Viagra". It is an odd element because it reveals brain dysfunctions better. There are many who feel that Vinpocetine is a very special brain nutrient.

It has been observed that Vinpocetine improves visual perception, which leads to faster and notable improvement in the vascular disease. It also improves memory power to a significant level.

It has also been found that Vinpocetine works synergistically for raising the levels of norepinephrine in combination with other compounds. It is amongst the most important fat-oxidation hormones.

Lastly, proper and brisk exercise is important to lower the amount of extra fat in the body. This helps by resulting in a sharp brain and a strong body. It is also helpful in curing speech problems, feelings of dejection, memory less and headaches. - 14130

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