Friday, May 22, 2009

Can A Body Detox Prolong My Life?

By Isabelle S. Mihajlov

The new buzz around the health world in getting a body detox. Years of poor eating habits, low-fiber diets, environmental pollution, and stress cause the toxins to build up and eventually get absorbed back into the body. A toxic build up in our bodies may increase the risk of sickness and disease, so it is essential that our bodies properly eliminate the toxic build up in our colon and other organs.

Our colon, kidneys, liver, and other vital organs are adversely affected by the toxic build up in our bodies. When your colon is toxic or filled with junk, it will eventually stress your liver from operating effectively. When your liver is polluted, inside your bloodstream and tissues will be effected leading to poor health and possible disease. So you can see for your body to function optimally, it must be freed from toxins.

Symptoms Indicating Need Of A Body Detox

You need to take action if you have one or more of the following problems. Diarrhea, impaired digestion, constipation, fatigue and low energy, gas and bloating, hemorrhoids, excess weight, food allergies, bad breath, foul smelling stools. These are only some of the symptoms.

Just like you car needs the oil changed regularly or your outside of your body regularly needs a washing, so does your internal body. Waiting too long or til you start experiencing some symptoms listed above, is not a wise idea. You will increase your risk of developing much more serious problems like cancer the longer you procrastinate your body cleansing.

Research clearly proves that our bodies are not capable of elimination all the different toxins and chemicals we inhale and ingest every day. They simply accumulate in our cells (especially fat cells), tissues, blood, organs (such as the colon, liver and brain) and remain stored for an indefinite length of time causing all kinds of health problems. Cleansing your body of toxins will improve your health and boost immune system function. - 14130

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