Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - Banish your hemorrhoid problem

By JF White

Having hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be an annoying, painful and uncomfortable experience. And finding an effective treatment for hemorrhoids, esspecially during pregnancy, can be a difficult task. In this article I will discuss what causes hemorrhoids, and explain the best way to cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Women have a greater chance of getting hemorrhoids during pregnancy, due to increased pressure on the viens, which is brought on from a lack of blood flow from the lower half of the body. Another reason why women are at risk of getting hemorroids during pregnancy, is that their viens may weaken, making them more suspectible to swell. This is known as hormone progesterone.

If you are looking for a way to aviod negative side effects, and get permanent results, then herbal remedies are a great way to go. Herbal remedies are safe and easy to use, plus they cure the body naturally, so you'll be attacking the root cause of the problem.

Some of the more common herbs you can use to help cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy are aloe, birch sap, canlendula, centella, pilewort, horsetail, marshmallow, olive leaf extract, soy, rosehip, tea tree oil and white lily.

These herbs can help naturally improve the digestive system, strengthen the viens, ease the pain and speed up the healing process. They can also help with constipation and improve blood flow from the lower half of the body. These herbs can either be steam and made into a herbal tea, or rubbed onto the hemorrhoid.

Exercises are a great way to help relief the hemorrhoid, especially when combined with a herbal diet. I'll show three short and simple exercises you can perform. These exercises only take a couple of minute to do, but can be very effective in treating hemorrhoids.

To do this first simple exercise, you will need to stand upright, then slowly raise the left leg up to the waist and then the right. For best results repeat this process 10 - 15 times each day.

This is another basic exercise you can do to improve the digestive system, and help ease the pressure. It will also exercise the calf and upper thigh muscles. Basically, to start off, put your right leg infront of the left leg and hold this postion. Then simple lower the back knee towards the ground, do this 8-10 times and alternate. Again, this exercise should take about 5-10 minutes each day

This exercise is one you can use to help relief some pressure while your on the toilet. First thing you need to do is to sit up straight, and lean back with your hands behind your head. Next you'll need a stool or a couple of phone books to rest your feet on, then raise your heals. Simply relax in this postion, when you feel some extra strain, while on the toilet.

Hundreds if not thousands of medical experts agree that using a natural approach is the best way to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This is because herbal remedies are an easy and painless way of treating hemorrhoids. - 14130

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