Saturday, August 23, 2008

Would you like to Achieve Happiness through Meditation?

By Dick Ingersoll

There is a simple way to achieve happiness. The means is to simply be happy. You are most likely wondering right now, how do I get to be happy?" "Things just don't work like that, it doesn't take into consideration the times that I am wretchedly unhappy because of problems or mishaps that arise in my day to day life, not to mention the tragedies." At this stage I have to halt and meditate. Meditation can be performed in many different ways, just find the one that works best for your purposes.

Being happy more often than you have been is an extremely difficult task to accomplish-not in the doing of it once you know how and then in keeping conscious of what you have learned. Yet, I still say that with meditation it can be accomplished. The path that you have chose that brought you to your current situation was not a few days or months in the making, but a long and arduous path that has spanned through many years.

In truth of it is it has taken you a life-time to become the way you are today. It has also taken you that long to gain what you have achieved, to possess, and to arrive at your present condition. By taking the time to meditate and contemplate who you are, and whether what you have in your life is truly what you desire, If you are completely satisfied with the way your life is going, congratulations-do more of what you have been doing and you will acquire more of what you already have in your life.

But if who you are, what you have, and your present situation are below what you want or perhaps varies from what you long for, you have to start meditating about some basic alterations you will need to make in your life. Failure to make those alterations will find you continuing to seek the things you really would like in your life as the years fly past.

Because some of what you are reading will seem impossible, ridiculous, or to you maybe even foolish and it may in the beginning offend you, causing you to ridicule what you are reading and maybe even cause you to reject what you have read. I really must suggest to you that before you may reject how meditation can assist you through your life; ask yourself whether or not you want it to be real-then for your benefit please give yourself the chance to see how well it can work for you.

In this day and age with all the numerous issues we have to deal with in our lives it is very hard to stay on a positive level and be happy all the time, But just by taking a few minutes a day just meditating by yourself will help you to put things in perspective where instead of being unhappy about the circumstances you are in, you can find a way to find the happiness in being unhappy.

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