Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ways to Alter Consciousness- Stare at the Wall

By Lorelei F

I recently came across a new tool for my toolbox of ways to alter consciousness, and I will tell you about it. I give credit for this to my good friend Martin, and in case you are reading, Martin, let me know if I get it right.

It is well-known that meditation is one of the most effective ways to alter consciousness. This particular meditation begins with walking near the water or in nature and feeling your oneness as you walk with a leaf, a pine cone, a bug, a rock, etc. etc. It is designed to enhance creativity by achieving a state of 'universal oneness.'

Now in this meditation you try to be 'at one' with all of it. That means beer bottles, soda cans, wads of gum. Do not attach negative labels or such as dirty or bad to any of it. Just keep your peace with all that is inside of our universe, and if negative thoughts go, allow them to float away out of your consciousness.

The next thing to do is to take a seat. Hopefully it will be near the water. You then want to feel every sensation- the feel of the grass in on your legs, the smell of the water, and the sounds of the crickets. Be totally there and in the moment as you practice mindfulness.

Then keeping this same feeling, walk back to a place where you can stare at the wall. It may be your room, the outside wall of your house, a building wall etc. At this point you should have your sketch pad, your recorder, or your notebook handy. Now keeping your newfound oneness, stare at the wall. Do no try to do it or be it, or figure it out. Be at one with the wall and allow yourself to be a channel for the universe.

Pretty soon you will feel a curious sensation. The universe will begin to work through you. It will not feel as if you yourself are working, but rather as if you are channelling some other power. If you feel yourself starting to 'work' go back to staring at the wall and finding your oneness with it.

I can tell you that this meditation is one of my powerful ways to alter consciousness in my work environment. If it does for you what it did for me, it will bring a new depth to your work, and a new sense of joy in the creation.

And this is always a good thing.

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