Monday, August 25, 2008

4 Habits That Hinder Hemorrhoids Prevention - Prevent Hemorrhoids

By Sherie Moor

Four out of five Americans suffer or will suffer from mild, moderate, or severe hemorrhoids. They experience anything from feeling a lump (or several) around the anus to suffering severe burning of the lumps. People afflicted with hemorrhoid symptoms are often on the lookout for solutions that only prove to be temporary when what they really want is a relief that's fast, effective, and long lasting. But alleviating the symptoms isn't enough. If you have hemorrhoids, you should be looking for a hemorrhoids prevention method that'll get rid of your piles (and the symptoms associated with them) altogether.

Oddly enough, hemorrhoids CAN be prevented. This can be done simply by making lifestyle changes. Some of these may not be considered ?fun,? but they can certainly keep you from living in misery from the intermittent to constant pain of hemorrhoids.

So what changes can you make in your life to help with hemorrhoids prevention? One, you can add more fiber into your diet little by little. Fiber softens and increases your stool bulk so that you don't get constipated and have to strain while sitting on the toilet. Gradually adding more fiber into your diet will also cut down on the amount of gas you'll produce.

Second, if you're sitting down constantly, then get up and stand and move around for a few minutes after every hour of sitting. And do not read while sitting on the toilet trying to have a bowel movement, because this distracts you and causes you to sit longer than you should. This is a common habit among people who have hemorrhoids and it increases your chances for getting them.

Standing for a long time can also aggravate hemorrhoids. It creates pressure that will cause the veins located inside and outside of your anus to become swollen and painful. To prevent hemorrhoids, do the opposite of the above and sit down for 5 or 10 minutes after an hour of standing.

Being overweight is another contributing factor to getting hemorrhoids. Therefore, it makes sense that if you are carrying too many pounds, then you need to lose some of them. This will make you healthier, as well as facilitate hemorrhoids prevention.

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