Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What are Goji's and why are they so good for you?

By David Loyd

Goji berries are roughly the same size as a raisin or small grape, dark red in colour and are available as a dried fruit, powder or capsules. Goji berries are sweet in taste somwhat similar to a raisin.

Goji berries are grown commercially in China and Tibet as some of the purest soil on Earth is found in these regions. Goji berries are from the Lycium plant which grows like a vine to over 15 feet.

The berries grow to about the size of a grape and are then shaken onto mats and dried in the shade. They are never touched by hand before they are dried as they will oxidize and turn black.

Goji berries have been in use for over 2000 years and are used as a traditional food in Tibet and Mongolia, where the general population are often free of ailments such as arthritis, obesity, diabetes and cancer.

Goji berries have long been regarded in the Orient as an longevity, anti-aging, strength building and potency sexual superfood. They have also been used widely in tradtional Chinese folk medicine for several thousand years.

Tibetan monks favour the goji berry so much that they hold a two-week long celebration annually to celebrate the goji berry as they are considered essential to a longevity.

Gojis contain 18 amino acids and more protein than whole wheat. The amino acids found in goji berries include all 8 of the essential amino acids.

Goji berries are among the highest source of carotenoids of all known foods or plants on Earth! They contain the complete spectrum of food antioxidant carotenoids, which includes betacarotene, lutine which are valued for their role in protecting the eyes.

Goji berries contain 500 times the amount of vitamin C than oranges by weight making them one of the greatest natural sources of vitamin C. They are also abundant with vitamins B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E.

Goji berries also contain polysaccharides which fortify and support a healthy immune system. Polysaccharides are very large, long-chain sugar molecules that are nourishment for macrophages (large white blood cells) in the gut wall. The macrophages are then transported to other immune cells, setting off a chain of defensive events in our bodies.

One polysaccharide In particular which can be found in goji berries has been, according to scientific research, is proven to be a powerful secretagogue which aids in the stimulation of rejuvenative human growth hormone.

The goji berry has an incredible 3,472 ORAC units. The ORAC scale is used by the USDA to measure the antioxidant level in foods. The measurement is expressed as "ORAC units per 100 grams" of a given food.

The Goji berry is amazingly high in essential fatty acids which includes linoleic acid in particular. Omegas are essential for the body and is used in the production of hormones and smooth functioning of the brain and nervous systems.

To recap, goji berries are absolutely packed with proteins, antioxidants, minerals and omegas which are all essential for perfect health which makes them ideal for:

* Reducing blood glucose

* Fortifying and maintaining a healthy immune system

* Boosting healthy liver and kidney function

* Fighting heart disease (thanks to all the betacarotene!)

* Improve sex drive / libido

* Maintaining healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels

Like other dried fruits, Goji berries can be eaten by adding them to breakfast cereals, smoothies and yoghurts but our preferred method is to simply eat them as they are!

Gojis are best eaten in their raw state to maintain the high levels of vitamins, minerals and enzymes but they can also be used as an ingredient in many sweet and savoury recipes or made into a delicious tea.

It is receommended to eat a 10-30g serving daily, but it really is up to you and you can eat as many as you like!

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