Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sensible Use Of Alternative Medicine for Cancer

By The Alternate Medic

In the treatment of cancer today, modern medicine relies heavily on surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. For all of us who suffer through this debilitating treatment are all looking for an alternative medicine that will allow us to treat our symptoms and rebuild our overall health.

Modern medicine relies heavily on surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy in treating cancer.. For all of us who have gopne through these devastating treatments, we all look for alternative ways to treat our symptoms and to rebuild our natural health..

It cannot be denied that modern medicine has come a long way in the treatment and management of many forms of cancer. Our knowledge and treatment of these maladies is far in advance of what was common practice of years past, however, we have a long way to go before cancer is 100% curable. Unfortunately cancer is taking on different forms and is increasing in regularity throughout the worlds population.

It is widely believed that alternative medicine for cancer can best be found by altering our diets to contain more fresh organic produce and to include other herbal remedies that are known to assist in regeneration of the body as well as in pain management providing sufferers with a more holistic approach to both prevention and the cure of cancer.

Alternative Medicine for Cancer Prevention

It is well known that adequate fiber content helps to prevent cancers of the digestive tract. Holistic nutrition using coarse grain and unrefined flour are therefore useful forms of alternative medicine for cancer containment. Traditional medicine also has dietary supplements based on the husks of cereals which help to keep bowel movement in good order. It is worth following principles of alternative medicine for cancer prevention if malignancies of the colon and surrounding areas are likely.

Similarly, there are herbal extracts available which help cancerous lesions developing in the liver. The vitamins, minerals, enzymes and elements found in fresh organic fruits and vegetables are known to be the building blocks and the repair kit of the human body It is therefore worthwhile to use alternative medicine for cancer management of vital organs in a pro-active way.

Alternative Medicine for Cancer Management near Termination

The goal of preventing every case of cancer from reaching a stage where it can no longer be successfully treated has not yet been reached, nor is it 100% curable.. Even though most people are now aware of the causes of cancer and that early diagnosis is easier to obtain, many patients may have to spend considerable periods of time in the progressively deteriorating terminal stages of this fatal illness.

Thankfully, today more and more people are understanding that essential nutrition and pain management are key considerations to make the final days of a terminally ill patient as comfortable as possible. Alternative medicine for cancer has important applications in this tragic but sometimes inescapable context. Nutrition powders and fluid extracts can be used on patients who are too unwell to enjoy normal meals, while topical preparations can be used with modern drugs to deal with distressing pain.

There are also some unsubstantiated claims of alternative medicine for cancer containment or reversal, which patients and their relatives may like to try when modern methods offer no further hope. Some patients are known to have exceeded the prognoses for their malignant conditions by long periods using alternative medicine for cancer.

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