Monday, January 4, 2010

Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid. The Causes, Prevention & Medicine

By Curtis Weber

Thrombosed external hemorrhoids occur when the blood supply of an external hemorrhoid is cut off, so resulting to strangulation and formation of blood clot within it. These clots are located within the veins, often just under the skin and develop over a period. They are generally located outside the anus and can be really painful.

Piles are far more painful in patients who have a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. Thrombosed means blood-filled and external haemorrhoid are those found in the area of the anal sphincter. A hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed after its blood supply is cut off.

Surgery is generally indicated by a doctor in patients troubled with a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. Although momentarily thrombosed haemorrhoid may make a response to cortisone creams, the pain typically returns, as the cortisone treatment only alleviates the pain quickly.

It is frequently better to stop a condition than to treat it. A thrombosed external hemorrhoid can be evaded by stopping constipation, hard stools, straining during defecation, and eating a high fiber multi grain containing diet. Many effective fiber additions are available at most pharmacists on an OTC basis. Besides this, you may also go in for stool softeners like Colace or Senokot.

Since a thrombosed external hemorrhoid develops continuously, taking the above early action will help you to prevent this unpleasant condition. The cream contains hydro-cortisone which besides its shrinking action also relieves itching, pain, and burning related to these hemorrhoids. Are you wanting surgery on a thrombosed external Hemorrhoid?

That depends, some doctors have told people who employed the thrombosed external Hemorrhoid treatment below that surgery was the only way. For myself and others who were told this all I am able to tell you is this treatment worked way better then surgery and is less evasive. When you have this kind of surgery you do run the chance of having anal leakage. Yes, a painful and shaming condition to have as well as the odor cause from the seepage. - 14130

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