Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Natural Ways to Treat Bronchitis

By Rickey Henolap

Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs. It is caused by a virus, usually it starts from a cold or the flu, and therefore antibiotics will not work. If you are not careful, and do not take care of bronchitis it can lead to pneumonia. There are many natural remedies that are a bronchitis cure. You need to be aware of which type of cough you have to find the one that will be most effective.

Good handwashing is key to preventing most diseases and anyone who has acute bronchitis or comes in contact with someone who has it should use this as their first line of defense. Experts recommend washing your hands with soap and warm water for a least 15 seconds before and after coming in contact with a person who is ill. This is about the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" twice.

The present, conventional treatment of bronchitis is with antibiotics. This treatment has been found to be of little effect. Antibiotics are effective in reducing bacteria. Bronchitis is caused by viral infections in 90% of all cases, not bacteria. As a result of the actual causes of bronchitis not being addressed, the condition advances and causes more lung damage and deterioration. Also, with overuse of antibiotics, there is great probability that the bacteria will become resistant and the antibiotics will become ineffective as the bacteria adapts and strengthens.

Other natural remedies for bronchitis fever are preparations with horehound, which is an herb for relieving mucous congestion, peppermint in combination with other dried herbs, or as a tea for the vapors that help congestion. Fenugreek is a natural mucous expulsion herb, garlic is used for it's antibiotic properties. Goldenseal is used for it's healing of the lining of your lungs and soothe the irritated lining.

One of the home care ideas for bronchitis fever is a mentholated chest rub, a vaporizer to keep the air you are breathing moist, a pain and fever reducer, plenty of liquids like hot teas for the comfort factor. This works in probably about twenty percent of the cases as they are most likely mild and will go away in a week or so. Rest, sleeping on an incline with your head and chest higher than your feet may help as well.

Pelargonium sidoides is a plant found in South Africa. The root from this plant has been proven to be a complete bronchitis treatment, alleviating all the symptoms that go along with chronic bronchitis. Bronovil has the purest form of pelargonium extract in it. This bronchitis treatment comes in pill form and will not only ease the coughing and aching of bronchitis, it will also strengthen your immune system and actually help your body to fight the infection. You can read more about Bronovil at If you are suffering, or have a tendency to get, bronchitis, you will be very surprised and happy at how fast you recover if you use Bronovil. - 14130

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