Thursday, January 7, 2010

Missoula back pain specialist| Missoula neck pain Specialist presents: Your Health-The Road to Wellness. Article #1 Sleep

By Dr. Shaun Stuto

This is the first article in a series on "Your Health." "Your Health" is also available in video format Youtube-Missoula Chiropractor. I am Dr. Shaun Stuto an author, speaker and Missoula chiropractor. Over a series of articles we will dissect and explore the various factors which contribute to wellness. We hear this token buzzword "wellness" all the time on television and in newspapers/magazines. Nobody is spending a lot of time defining it however. In simple terms, wellness is the point along the health spectrum that lies between "excellence" and "perfection." It is the polar opposite of death and disease. Wellness is a journey and not a destination. The joy and fulfillment is in the process and implementation of certain actions and behaviors that make up a "well" person. The factors that make up a well person might include a good height:weight ration, low blood pressure, a healthy diet, active lifestyle and low mental stress. When does excellent health become perfect? There is no exact point when it can be distinguished.

The first aspect of wellness we will explore is sleep. While the nervous system and a well adjusted spine are the single most important aspect of wellness, sleep and nutrition are a tie for second. An optimal functioning nervous system free of disturbance is only made possible through a well adjusted spine. The spine protects the nervous system which is the master controller of the body. As a person becomes stressed physically, chemically or emotionally, this can lead to disturbances in the nervous system that only a chiropractor can detect and correct.

Sleep on the other hand is under your control. How much sleep is appropriate for you? How much sleep are you actually getting? I commonly encounter patients with an 80-120 hour/month sleep deficiency. These patients average 5-6 hours of sleep per night and need 7-9 to feel their best. Do you fall into this category? A sleep deficiency can have marked effects on your overall health. Usually the sleep deprived individual is stressed, chronically tired, irritable and in many cases a "people pleaser." This type of person feels compelled to be the perfect child, the perfect parent, the perfect worker, friend etc...It is no surprise that this type of person eventually burns out. They cannot maintain this lifestyle without adequate rest. Most often the sleep deprived person develops insidious aches and pains. They do not understand why their neck or lower back hurts. This is the person who always complains of "sleeping wrong." How can you sleep wrong? In this case, the bodies' own innate intelligence is fighting back as a defense mechanism to the stress it is under from a lack of sleep. The unexplainable pain is a built in distress signal the body uses to put the person down and force them to rest.

How much sleep is enough? The average person needs between 7-9 hours of sleep on average. If you need less than 6 hours see a doctor. If you need more than 9 hours see a psychologist. There could be underlying issues of depression and emotional stress contributing to your need for escape from reality.

Comfort is the most important aspect of sleep. If you aren't sleeping well, you will not heal. You will not recover from workouts, stress, and life. We all lead high stress and high paced lives and we must maximize the time we get in bed. I coined the phrase "invest in your rest!" It means spend the money for a high quality bed. Make price a non-issue. You will thank me for it!

The sleep number bed is the personal choice of Missoula Chiropractor Dr. Shaun Stuto. We spend 1/3rd of our lives in bed. Shouldn't we invest in the best bed to ensure the highest quality of rest possible? Absolutely! The firmness of the sleep number is independently adjustable on each side. This is ideal for couples . This bed affords both members of the relationship the ideal level of comfort. This is HUGE! The funny thing is how many people spend $1000's on their couch and big screen TV and then want to get by with a $300 bed. It just does not add up. "Invest in YOUR rest!"

You now have a much better understanding of the essentials of effective sleep. So long as you get 7-9 hours on a high quality bed, you should do great. On the contrary, a sleep deficiency can manifest as physical pain, poor health and even emotional stress. This emotional stress can even lead to sugar cravings and actually make you fat! Yes poor sleep can absolutely make you fat. The answer to more energy and less weight is the quality of your bed.

Place your health and wellness on the top of your priority list starting today. You deserve it. Commit to regular chiropractic care and ensure the optimal function of your nervous system. Implement a healthy eating plan and exercise routine. Finally, get your sleep. Shoot for 7-9 hours of sleep on the highest quality bed you can afford.

Thank you for reading "Your Health." I am Dr. Shaun Stuto and I wish you a life of abundance. - 14130

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