Thursday, January 7, 2010

Causes And Cure Of Acne Scars

By Raymart Chan

Acne is an a matter of serious concern, especially for teenage girls, as it appears suddenly and its marks remain long after the acne is gone. Irrespective of your hatred for it, acne can not be avoided by an average teenager and a lot of care is required in order to remove these scars and stopping them from sprouting up again.

Acne is an infection caused by the reaction of bacteria and too much of sebum secretion by the skin glands. As the condition starts to heal, collagen, which is a protein, is produced in the inner surface of the skin. If collagen is in excess, it causes a swelling, and if it is deficient, it causes tiny depressions on the surface of the skin. Both these cases cause acne scars. Teenagers are normally most prone to acne as the hormone levels shoot up during puberty resulting in more sebum secretion.

Among the common reasons of acne infection are use of beauty products that are not suitable to the kind of skin, taking contraceptive medication, intake of medicinal drugs, and hereditary factors. A number of other reasons such as anxiety, unhealthy food habits, and even pollution can cause acne. But as against what most people believe, scientists have not found any connection between oily food and acne.

Although a number of lotions and herbal products are sold in the market to deal with acne, it is advisable to seek medical help if the problem aggravates or keeps on recurring. It is also advisable not to pierce the lesion with sharp- edged objects or to press it as it makes the acne get worse.

A growing number of people are also resorting to cosmetic treatments to get rid of acne scars and to regain a skin free of scars and blemishes. Surgical procedures and laser treatment are among the most effective methods of permanently getting rid of acne scars, but many other innovative treatments are also available nowadays. You should see a reputed dermatologist who would be able to determine your type of skin and recommend a proper treatment. - 14130

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