Thursday, October 23, 2008

What is Guided Meditation

By Bill Bodri

Meditation is basically a form of mental discipline in which the mind transcends the everyday physical world and goes into a deeper and more relaxed state of being.

Because meditation consists of focusing ones thoughts on a particular thought or object, and because our frantic lives filled with worries and cares make it hard to slow down and do that, you may like to try guided meditation, meditation with a partner.

There are a variety of guided meditation methods. Some consist of the partner 'guiding' you with a story or verbal imagery to a place of peace. In another, the partner quietly instructs you toward relaxation.

It's important to choose a time when your surroundings are quiet and peaceful. Most opt for early morning or late evening as the environment then is relatively quiet.

Meditating twice a day will also help you get into practice and therefore, make the process easier, more natural.

A couple things really help to set the mood for your meditation time and that is music and incense.

As you choose your partner, you might look at someone not of your sex. They should have a voice that sooths you and that you find enjoyable to listen to as you will be doing that a lot.

Before starting, you and your partner should sit in upright positions facing each other and concentrate on the breathing, since this forms an integral part of all meditation processes.

The objective is to get the other person to focus on a particular element. The best example is to imagine a bright ball of light (usually a symbol of healing), shining on the other person, like a sun.

It is also important that the partner makes the other person feel the element. It is a good idea to imagine the light penetrating the other person's body, bringing with it a feeling of healing and warmth. Once the person can feel and visualize this image, other elements like color can be added.

The duration of the sitting will rely on the congeniality of the individuals and how cohesive their relationship is. When the guide partner sees that the one meditating has reached a heightened point in their tranquility, the guide will bring them back slowly and gently until they are back in to the here and now.

Guided meditation provides you a level of relaxation that is not achieved even by sleep. In this process, you're not asleep; you're in a higher state of awareness that allows you to cut yourself off from the external world.

For an easier method of guided mediation, you can purchase a guided mediation cd, retreat to a peaceful place, turn of electronic distractions, and begin the relaxation. Key to your success is wearing comfy clothes and choosing a time in the day that you will not have interruptions.

Beginners' meditation requires very little investment: listening to the CD for 15-25 minutes and allowing some time for contemplation at the end of each session, to let the relaxed feeling seep through your body. It's the best way to relieve stress and daily anxiety. - 14130

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