Thursday, October 23, 2008

Free online seminar with Lynne McTaggart ... Finding Health

By Healthy Wealthy nWise

Lynne McTaggart is an investigative journalist whose award winning books include "The Field" and "The Intention Experiment". Not only is she a writer, but she was also a star in the film "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and is an international spokesperson for health.

Lynne's health interest lies mostly in the realm of alternative medicine. She is an editor of the health and spiritual newsletter "What Doctors Don't Tell You", and is co-executive director of Conatus PLC, the UK's most successful publisher of health newsletters.

Passion leads Lynne through every aspect of her life. She stumbled onto her passion for health after becoming ill in the 1980's. She decided to take her health into her own hands when she was unsuccessfully treated by doctor after doctor, both in the traditional and alternative medicine fields.

Her health journey ended when Lynne McTaggart found a doctor who treated her more like a partner in health than just another patient. Regaining her health through this process led her to the study of spiritual healing, and it led her to "What Doctors Don't Tell You".

As she was studying spiritual health, she often wondered, "If this is true, if one person can send a thought to someone else and make that person better, then our understanding of the world is incomplete." Lynne's wonder turned into a passion just as strong as her passion for health. Her new passion was "the field".

So what is this "field" she studies? Unlike the teachings of traditional science, "the field" would suggest that we are all connected to one another. Science is full of laws for time and space and tells us that each of us are separate beings within those laws. "The field" says that we all have an effect on each other and that relationships are reality. It's like a tape recorder for information.

Science would also have us believe that homeopathy doesn't work. Homeopathy dilutes a substance in water so much that little or nothing of the original substance is left, however, alternative medicine suggests that homeopathy also works as a tape recorder like "the field" does. Because our bodies are more energy than chemistry, sometimes only a trace of something is necessary for health.

You can learn more about "the field" by reading Lynne McTaggart's book, also called "The Field". Lynne was a journalist and writer long before her passion for health emerged, so she purposely wrote the book in a way that average people could read and enjoy it. Sure it talks about quantum physics, but you don't need to be a physicist to have great health! - 14130

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