Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Self-improvement? What's wrong with me right now?

By Dr. T. Johnson

Desire is the foreplay to the fulfillment of those dreams. If you can think it, you can have it! What do you want?

What's possible? What's not?

There is something inside of you stopping you dead in your tracks. Find it, fix it, go free!

Why can't you seem to "get it?" It's not your fault. You have been fighting a stacked deck. Ever since you were little, you were trained to seek mediocrity. Self-improvement wasn't even on the agenda.

I've had that knife of failure in my gut too.

Speaking of pain, we don't just suffer emotional pain. How does stress affect health? It affects everything.

As the years roll by, you've been asking yourself why you haven't progressed either in your finances or in how you feel about everything. You're not alone.

There is something missing. Somehow, we must pursue self-improvement, but, in what way?

Greatness isn't reserved for others. The idea is fish-hooked in your heart that you are entitled to a large piece of the greatness pie.

I hear you. I've been there.

I am about to give you the keys to the kingdom. Here they are: Never in the history of mankind has it been easier for you to achieve your dreams. Everything you could possibly need to know to succeed immensely at anything is available on the World Wide Web and is often free. Everything.

Breathe deeply. Find a quiet place in your mind and try to stay there. Unwind.

Lets blast a hole through the smoke screen of deception that has been guiding your life. There are three simple words that light the way like a torch in a dark forest: Basic Self-Improvement.

Let's blow away some of the dust that is making it hard for you to see. Incredible things can be done with those three words.

You need to pursue self-improvement in a few basic skills. The volume of information out there is so great that you need to speed up your reading and comprehension processes.

Wouldn't it be a shame to have this great intellect developed and then be stuck in a creaky, miserable body? Developing radiant health will be your next goal.

You will also want to compliment your keen mind by turning it into a "sticky tape" for data. There are many easy and fun ways to learn to turn your magnificent brain into a massive and orderly data bank.

You don't believe that there really is anything new under the sun for you? Read on.

The other day, I went into the pantry to find a fly swatter. Couldn't find it. Finally, my wife had to come and get it. I had been looking right at it and had not seen it. Sound familiar?

We view our lives through our consciousness which filters everything, including salt shakers. I use this example because it or something similar has happened to all of us. The question I have for you is, "What new ideas is your mind filtering out right now? If it can miss something simple and concrete right before your eyes, what else is it missing?"

It seems that electricity didn't exist until someone discovered it. Of course, it was always there.

If you decide to improve your mind and to increase the amount of information you feed it, who knows what you will find. Let your dreams fly and soar. See where they take you.

Your body is the vehicle you will use to explore and prosper and be joyful in. There are many, fun, easy ways to get fit. The benefits are many.

As your mind develops, it will want to organize the time in your day. Give it what it wants. Being rich in all things except time is worse than what you have now. Plan on learning time management. It's amazing how much of your time it will free up!

Self-improvement never ends. Learning time management will not only propel you on rockets of efficiency, but it will lay the groundwork for you to build a balanced life full of pleasure, abundance and happiness.


Learn to cover massive amounts of information. Set a goal of finding the resources to increase your memory and to unleash your imagination that has lain dormant for so long.

Let yourself decide the level of fitness you want to enjoy, not Madison Avenue. You decide how stress affect your overall health. Learn to schedule your life so that fun is the number one priority.

All these skills are available to you, easily and with little effort on your part. Truly, make an effort on developing these key skills in yourself and enjoy the ride to heights you have never imagined possible!

Self-improvement means many things. What do you want?

What makes your heart sing? Go get it. - 14130

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