Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Chakra Energy Unleashed

By Jonathan Benjem

Did you know that our bodies have tremendous amounts of energies, which are sufficient to ensure our physical and mental health? This may come as news to many Westerners, but its a fact of life proved and followed by many ancient saints and scholars in countries, like India.

Most commonly, this is known as Chakra Energy, or the energy generated by the seven primary energy centers in the body. These energy centers are situated from the base of spine upwards to the head. A brief description of location of seven Chakras wont be out of place:

* Base Chakra (RED) located at the coccyx (base of the spine).

* Sacral Chakra (ORANGE) located in the lower abdomen.

* Solar Plexus (YELLOW) Chakra situated just above the navel.

* Heart Chakra (GREEN) situated in the center of the chest.

* Throat Chakra (BLUE) located at the base of the throat.

* Third Eye Chakra (INDIGO) located in between the eyes.

* Crown Chakra (VIOLET) located on top of the head.

Though invisible, these Chakras constantly and continuously rotate in the bodies at their stated positions. This movement is responsible for the production of energy, called Chakra Energy.

Your bodily health, both physical and mental, is entirely dependent on the harmonious movement of these seven primary charkas. Any kind of disharmony in their movements is unacceptable to the body and results in ill health in one form or the other.

So, whats the secret of Chakra Energy? The Chakra System of our body is an all-powerful spiritual mode of controlling and regulating our lives. The balance in the movement of these Chakras is the ultimate aim of any human being. This is because of the fact that the movements of body Chakras produce energy.

If the balance in their movements is achieved, then theres no greater friend than Chakras, and if there is an imbalance, theres no greater enemy than Chakras.

Undoubtedly, Chakra Energy plays a decisive role in human lives, but is it possible to work around the Chakras and bring about a balance in their movements? Though Chakra movement is a natural phenomenon, yet you can direct your physical and spiritual energies towards attainment of Chakra balancing. Learning is an art and invariably, a slow process. But if your have determination and perseverance, its an achievable goal. The exercise is pretty simple. Firstly, just sit or lie down in the most comfortable posture with eyes closed. The next part is to relax and feel all the body parts from visible organs to the minutest cell within the body. Dont avoid the distractions, like myriad thoughts. With time, theyll disappear. Keep it going for about half-an-hour to any length of time for as many days as you can. Youll surely feel the difference.

Now, if thats so simple, why dont many people just give it a go and get rid of all the ailments from their lives? This is because our over-reliance on science to bring quick-fix changes in our body system. The scientific advancements have made humans too much dependent on technology. Resultantly, we have forgotten to live healthily naturally.

Chakra Energy is always at your disposal. All you need is to just follow the exercise religiously. The positive results will entail naturally. Remember, Chakra balancing is the only short cut towards attaining the optimum Chakra Energy required by the body. - 14130

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