Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Best Skin Care Methods To Protect From Damage

By Chris Channing

Skin damage can start as young as your teens, maybe even before. It is important to start protecting your skin before any damage even begins. Many people constantly expose their delicate facial skin to sun, damaging rays, and so many other factors that contribute to aging and general damages.

Since you only get one set of skin, it is important to take care of it. Your skin is the largest organ in and on your body. The younger you are when you start caring for it, the longer it will last you.

Moisture is something that most skin lacks. Wrinkled skin, acne, and dryness are all due to lack of moisturizer. Those with acne usually have oily skin, but oily skin begins because not enough moisture is present. It is important to moisturizer your entire body. Since it is exposed to everything day to day, it needs something to hydrate it. Moisturizers keep your skin elastic, prevents premature aging wrinkles, and keeps it looking healthy.

Peels and masks are also a great way to protect your skin. They are not just for facial skin care, but for your whole body as well. With so many different types on the market, there is something for everyone. Clay masks for oily acne prone skin, and honey masks for those that need moisture. Acid peels are great for resurfacing and bringing out a healthy and natural texture in your skin.

UVA and UVB rays penetrate your skin, and dangerous ozone can also cause skin damage. The face is the place that these damages take place the most, but any bit of skin that is unprotected is game for damage. Protect your skin by using sun block every single day, 365 days a year. No matter what, it should always be worn. A nice tan isn't worth the damage that goes with it.

There are other precautionary measures you can take with your skin care regimen. While the outside is important, what goes in the inside is just as important. Drinking plenty of water to hydrate your body from the inside out, and eating fresh foods will also help your skin stay fresh, supple, and strong against damaging factors. Skin care is not limited to what you can apply to your face, but also what goes inside your body.

Closing Comments

Since your skin is all you have protecting your organs and bones, and everything else, it is important to take care of it now before it gets damaged. - 14130

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