Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Health News Alternative Medicine Holistic Therapies

By Thulas Sukati

Where traditional forms of medicine do not work alternative therapies are resorted to. Integrated therapies are known to combine the mainstream medical treatments with many of the alternative or complementary therapies, for which some scientific evidence of efficacy and safety now exists. Alternative therapy fills that gap that has not been filled by the conventional lines in that it goes beyond the physical. When we talk of alternative therapies, they could include a whole lot of healing techniques like naturopathy, homeopathy, massages, faith healing, etc. Alternative therapies are employed as an alternative to conventional medicine in the hope that they exert some healing process on the underlying disease.

Quality of life and general health improves with alternative health therapies. It relaxes you by reducing your anxiety, stress, depression, sleeplessness and tension. They can even help to reduce the symptoms of cancer, such as pain, feeling sick, breathlessness, constipation, diarrhea, tiredness and poor appetite as well as help to moderate some of the side effects of traditional cancer treatment.

When it comes to masking pain, alternative health therapies can be extremely effective, however sometimes this can hid an underlying condition that is more serious and they are normally used right along, in conjunction with the conventional method. For example, there are some support groups for cancer, that offer all of these therapies for free or for a small fee and there are some hospices and hospitals that provide these as a special part of the care for cancer, right alongside of the conventional treatments for cancer like radiotherapy or chemotherapy. These therapies are now used by many cancer patients to support themselves in their fight against cancer. These therapies are very valuable in that they identify and support spiritual and emotional characteristics and physical features, but they should not be used as the only alternative line of treatment.

For example, Americans are now spending four billion dollars annually on different alternative health products like herbs and vitamins. Studies in 2005 by Tindle, Davies, Phillips and Eisenberg showed that about 72 million American adults use alternative and complementary therapies. Also indicated from these studies is a figure of more than billion per year spent on out-of-pocket for these therapies according to Herman, Craig, & Caspi, 2005.

It is important, however, for best results that the alternative health therapy providing the most effective treatment be used. For many people that suffer from MND or Motor Neuron Disease, individual therapies have been conducted and have proven to actually improve the overall quality of life for these individuals, these individual therapies can include: aromatherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, massage, hypnotherapy, reiki, meditation and reflexology. It is always a good idea to consult your physician before considering any of the alternative therapies available, and it is important to double check that any additional treatment undertaken will not adversely affect any current treatment program you are on.

Do not neglect any important aspects that need to be discussed. When considering this option, ask your doctor if there are treatments available at your hospital or clinic, or even through your physician's practice. They would also be able to recommend specific therapies and treatments which would suit. For many people these days, alternative therapies help to cope up with stress and anxiety and making them react to conventional medicines in a better manner.

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