Snoring. It's something we all grow up knowing about. Granddaddies snore after Thanksgiving dinners.
We don't have to look far to see or hear the familiar sound - just be present when someone falls asleep.
What we cannot all readily discern however, are the reasons behind snoring.
"The Stop Snoring Exercise Program" forced me to examine various causes of snoring and incorporate them into the system.
Why we snore
One reason is unavoidable. We were born with certain physical traits that make us snore.
Certain deformities in the nose or enlarged parts of the throat may contribute to snoring.
For those approaching middle age, snoring becomes much more prevalent as the throat narrows and muscle tone relaxes. Being born male will increase your chances of snoring.
Even allergies, infections and the common cold may be responsible for a fretful night of snoring, waking, tossing, and more snoring.
Those things can't be changed. We have little control over those factors.
There are things we can control though. Physical condition, smoking, inbibing to a degree that affects sleep, prescribed, over the counter or 'other' drugs and sleeping position.
Effects of Snoring
People who snore suffer. So do those who love and live with them.
Couples resign themselves to separates rooms when sleeping - creating distance where normally closeness would reign.
It can be detrimental to our relationships, also to our own health.
We've been subjected to enough statistics and studies to know how vital tranquil sleep is. Snoring prevents that by interupting the sleeper.
Do You Know How you Snore?
Snoring with a closed mouth can be the result of tongue position. It can deter air passage.
If you sleep with your mouth open, it's much more likely that your throat tissues are causing this bothersome Zzzzzzzz. Those sleeping on their backs have cases that are generally milder in nature. A change in position and concentration on good posturing will often give this group relief.
Those who snore no matter what position their mouth or body is in may have more complicated factors involved.
For the larger majority however, a simple lifestyle change to get in better shape or some attention to finding a position for optimal air passage can make a difference in a sleepless night and a night full of rest.
My program was created to help people stop snoring fast. It's easy and requires little effort. A few daily exercises can lead to the very sleep you've been deprived of. - 14130
We don't have to look far to see or hear the familiar sound - just be present when someone falls asleep.
What we cannot all readily discern however, are the reasons behind snoring.
"The Stop Snoring Exercise Program" forced me to examine various causes of snoring and incorporate them into the system.
Why we snore
One reason is unavoidable. We were born with certain physical traits that make us snore.
Certain deformities in the nose or enlarged parts of the throat may contribute to snoring.
For those approaching middle age, snoring becomes much more prevalent as the throat narrows and muscle tone relaxes. Being born male will increase your chances of snoring.
Even allergies, infections and the common cold may be responsible for a fretful night of snoring, waking, tossing, and more snoring.
Those things can't be changed. We have little control over those factors.
There are things we can control though. Physical condition, smoking, inbibing to a degree that affects sleep, prescribed, over the counter or 'other' drugs and sleeping position.
Effects of Snoring
People who snore suffer. So do those who love and live with them.
Couples resign themselves to separates rooms when sleeping - creating distance where normally closeness would reign.
It can be detrimental to our relationships, also to our own health.
We've been subjected to enough statistics and studies to know how vital tranquil sleep is. Snoring prevents that by interupting the sleeper.
Do You Know How you Snore?
Snoring with a closed mouth can be the result of tongue position. It can deter air passage.
If you sleep with your mouth open, it's much more likely that your throat tissues are causing this bothersome Zzzzzzzz. Those sleeping on their backs have cases that are generally milder in nature. A change in position and concentration on good posturing will often give this group relief.
Those who snore no matter what position their mouth or body is in may have more complicated factors involved.
For the larger majority however, a simple lifestyle change to get in better shape or some attention to finding a position for optimal air passage can make a difference in a sleepless night and a night full of rest.
My program was created to help people stop snoring fast. It's easy and requires little effort. A few daily exercises can lead to the very sleep you've been deprived of. - 14130
About the Author:
Christian Goodman is a well known natural health researcher and the creator of many natural health alternatives. His latest work is his stop snoring treatment, which has now provided help to thousands of people to stop snoring.