Friday, December 4, 2009

Vaginitis - What You Need To Know

By Lesli Paterson

Are you one of the many women who suffer from BV? Are you wondering if you have Bacterial Vaginosis and want to know for sure? BV is the name of the infection that many women get when the right balance of bacteria in your vagina becomes unbalanced, and there is an overabundance of the harmful fungus versus the good bacteria, thus your good bacteria is no longer able to fight off the harmful bacteria.

Most ladies will start feeling the symptoms of BV if the unequalizing of bacteria happens. The symptoms of BV may include vaginal itching, burning, irritation, an odor, and a whitish discharge. But, there have been several cases of Bacterial Vaginosis in which the women have reported no symptoms happened.

There are quite a few cures for bacterial vaginosis, some doctors will prescribe medicine, killing the bacteria within your vagina. And true this does "cure" the condition it often leaves you susceptible to another outbreak of Bv. There are certain creams that you can try, to treat this condition, like rephresh, which can work, but most fail. As far as natural treatments, or remedies there are a few options that you should be aware of, but we can talk about that later. Something that you should be aware of is what "causes" BV. Here are some things that I found during my research, smoking, multiple sex partners, douching, IUD, etc all these things could lead you to develop BV.

So who gets bv? That is a good question. According to the CDC women who are of child bearing age are most likely to develop Bacterial vaginosis. So that can mean age'-55 give or take a few years. Now if you develop BV what are the problems that can arise. You could develop PID, infertility, endometriosis, complications during pregnancy, and increased chance of getting an STD, pretty serious.

If you think you have BV, it is important that you get checked by your doctor and have it affirmed. You do not want to cure Bacterial Vaginosis and have it be something else, which can cause other medical problems. With the natural remedy, which is less expensive in general, do not have any side effects, and it not only takes care of the symptoms, but it takes care of the causes of Bacterial Vaginosis, and brings the equality back with the good and bad bacteria.

During your treatment I wish you the best of luck and hope that this condition is cured for good, the sooner that you tackle this problem the quicker you can get back your life. This is definitely an unpleasant condition, and should not be taken lightly. Go to the doctor, get checked and determine the best course of treatment. - 14130

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1 comment:

sasha said...

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