Friday, December 11, 2009

How to Avoid a Panic Attack When Driving

By Vera Brunner

Aside from being a health issue, panic attacks is also a safety concern since they happen unexpectedly and instantaneously. Panic attacks sufferers are placing themselves, their passengers and other motorists at risk when they are behind the wheel. Sufferers who really need to drive must be aware of the triggers and signs of panic attacks to prevent accidents. Some signs include dizziness, loss of concentration, rapid heartbeat, and excessive sweating. Here are some guidelines that a panic attack sufferer can follow to ensure the safety of himself and others:

1. Pull over. If it's possible, pull off to the side of the road or take the next exit so you can get your bearings. Having a panic attack while driving can make you feel overwhelmed and disoriented, so you may need to take a break, stretch your legs and regain perspective. Don't force yourself to push on through because you could be putting yourself at risk for an accident.

2. Listen to calming tunes. Some calming music can naturally decrease your anxiety and can help in delaying the attack until its possible to pull over. Soothing music can calm your nerves and can relieve your anxiety.

3. Open the windows. If you don't have the opportunity to pull over, get some fresh oxygen into the car by opening all of the windows and taking a few deep breaths. Breathing deeply is important for maintaining mental clarity when you start to feel anxious, and some fresh air can help to clear your head as well.

4. Pull over and call someone. If you need someone to talk to, don't make the mistake of trying to call while maneuvering the car. Pull over, take a few deep breathes, and call someone you can trust to let them know what you are experiencing. Sometimes telling someone what is going on can help you work through it and may even lower your risk of a panic attack.

5. Stating positive statements. Positive statements such as "I am a good driver" and "everything is going well" can influence your mood for the better. Say these statements to yourselves while driving or just place a reminder of the affirmation somewhere in your car. Affirmations won't necessarily yield dramatic results the first time you use them. Practice using affirmations everyday to get the most out of the benefits they provide.

6. Take a companion with you when driving. Having someone ride with you is better than driving alone. It would be best to take someone who can drive with you so that he or she can drive if ever you're overwhelmed by stress.

7. Pack some healthy snacks. If you've been driving for a long period of time, dehydration and hunger can make you feel dizzy and may even trigger the panicky feelings. Pack some light, healthy foods that you can snack on when your body seems to be pumping out the adrenaline. - 14130

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