Friday, September 11, 2009

Unusal Powers of Mind over Matter

By Christian Goodman

I had the honor, a couple of months ago, to set in on a lecture by his holyness, the Dalai Lama. His amazing joyfulness made my mind wonder about the origin of his path.

You cannot help but to be markedly affected or influenced by the life of Buddha, no matter what your particular religion is (or lack, thereof). He took notice and felt it was his duty to try to help all the sickness and dying of his people.

He decided, according to several historical documents, the only way to do this was to achieve enlightenment and pass on his enlightenment to others. He also decided in order to do this, first he would have to give up all his worldly possessions and live without.

Buddha defied his parents, left his palace and lived in a state of fasting and doing without. Maybe it wasn't that difficult for him, but I know this wouldn't be my first choice.

Most of us are looking to better our lives and most think that involves money. It takes a lot to give up the good life.

Health care at its best was probably nothing more than guesswork, around 500 BC.

Buddha wasn't concerned about his own health but instead wanted to ease the suffering of those around him. He denied himself the comforts of living in the palace in order to do this.

Anyone who has rubbed the belly on a statue of Buddha knows that he did reach enlightenment and through that enlightenment knows he did finally pick up a fork or chopsticks and eat something.

Although we of course can't really say for sure if the Buddha belly was a factual picture or just represents a spiritual abundance, modern day nutritionists would likely look at his statue and recognize that he was just a tad on the overweight side and would not recommend this as a healthy weight. But they cant deny the smile on his face.

Even when surrounded by the common man, no evidence supports his being a sickly sort. Of course, one might argue that this was the reward of enlightenment, but I think the power of positive thinking is the real source.

Many times we get consumed with negativity. It doesn't have to be a big life tragedy to bring a person down. Buddha lived without anger or hate. He didn't seem to hold grudges. How many of us can say the same?

There are many studies that have shown us a positive outlook can greatly improve or maintain ones health. The same goes with negativity. Depression and the like can just as easily destroy ones health.

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