Acupuncture is Chinese medicine that has been around for thousands of years. Solid needles that are extremely fine are used on different areas of the body as a treatment method. There are long-established spots on the body where the needles are inserted. Los Angeles acupuncture healing and acupressure are frequently mistaken as the same but acupressure actually is a soft touch on time-honored locations rather than the use of needles.
The Chinese consider acupuncture health a spiritual practice. The belief is that by the use of strategically placed needles that connect the meridians or pathways of energy along which the energy of the body flows to the life force or the chi there is an affected change in the body.
This ancient Chinese medical practice has only made its appearance into Western society less than forty years ago. The way it is believed to work is by using the needles to stimulate certain points on the body, a chemical release takes place that causes substances like endorphins to be released and create a positive healing response to what the body then considers an injury or a foreign substance invading the body.
How does the acupuncture technician know where to insert the needles? This is ascertained by questioning the patient and also by the condition of their tongue and the pulse rate. After taking all of these things into consideration the technician then knows which points on the body will stimulate healing. The needles will then be placed into these points with a gentle tap. Needles that are used come in individually wrapped packages to keep them sterile and should be removed only at the time of use for safety.
There is not a lot of pain involved with the use of the needles but there will be a slight discomfort. Treatment is the process of strategically placing the needles in pertinent points on the body and then lying very still while the needles do their work. During this period there may be some discomfort but still it is not painful.
There are a multitude of problems that can be treated by acupuncture that can be both psychological issues or physical ailments. Usually patients will seek acupuncture to help find a solution to their bad habits like smoking, or to get rid of back pain or as a way to handle infertility. Some even use acupuncture for a face-lift instead of going through the stress of surgery.
When you decide it is time to make an appointment with an acupuncturist, you should do some online research first. A good therapist will have certification. The therapist does not hold a medical degree so it is wise to consult with your doctor before you make your final decision. - 14130
The Chinese consider acupuncture health a spiritual practice. The belief is that by the use of strategically placed needles that connect the meridians or pathways of energy along which the energy of the body flows to the life force or the chi there is an affected change in the body.
This ancient Chinese medical practice has only made its appearance into Western society less than forty years ago. The way it is believed to work is by using the needles to stimulate certain points on the body, a chemical release takes place that causes substances like endorphins to be released and create a positive healing response to what the body then considers an injury or a foreign substance invading the body.
How does the acupuncture technician know where to insert the needles? This is ascertained by questioning the patient and also by the condition of their tongue and the pulse rate. After taking all of these things into consideration the technician then knows which points on the body will stimulate healing. The needles will then be placed into these points with a gentle tap. Needles that are used come in individually wrapped packages to keep them sterile and should be removed only at the time of use for safety.
There is not a lot of pain involved with the use of the needles but there will be a slight discomfort. Treatment is the process of strategically placing the needles in pertinent points on the body and then lying very still while the needles do their work. During this period there may be some discomfort but still it is not painful.
There are a multitude of problems that can be treated by acupuncture that can be both psychological issues or physical ailments. Usually patients will seek acupuncture to help find a solution to their bad habits like smoking, or to get rid of back pain or as a way to handle infertility. Some even use acupuncture for a face-lift instead of going through the stress of surgery.
When you decide it is time to make an appointment with an acupuncturist, you should do some online research first. A good therapist will have certification. The therapist does not hold a medical degree so it is wise to consult with your doctor before you make your final decision. - 14130
About the Author:
Once you being searching for your acupuncture clinic you will find, especially in the Los Angeles area, that there are a great many options available and if you look online you will also find that they have reviews to help you with your decision. The success of acupuncture center in Los Angeles is now officially researched.
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