Sunday, December 28, 2008

What are the Benefits of the Acai Berry?

By Gray Rollins

The Acai berry, the fruit of a palm tree which grows in the South American regions of Brazil and Peru is a nutritional powerhouse. However, the fruit is 90% seed pit, with only 10% being edible fruit and has a fat content, meaning that this is a fruit with a very short shelf life. The fruit is widely consumed locally but for export, it must be preserved by freezing acai pulp or making it into freeze dried acai powder.

Both in powdered and frozen forms, the aci berry is packed with fiber, protein, calcium, iron and vitamins A and C. Acai berry powder is a good source of antioxidants, having more antioxidant compounds than tea, orange juice or red wine. The antioxidant present in the acai berry (Anthocynanin) provides a number of health benefits - this fruit is the most nutritious edible berry in the world, according to the ORAC.

This amazing tropical fruit can help to improve your digestion and brain function. Its high fiber content also helps your body to naturally detox, helping you get healthier skin.

Due to its protection of the nervous system it helps diagnose neurological illnesses. It reduces the chances of cancer, the protein content of it is higher than that of eggs, the circulatory system also benefits from it and it is also believed to improve the libido. It reduces inflammation and is very good for diabetic patients.

Says Oprah Winfrey of this berry: "This little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world. It can often be found in juice form in health food and gourmet stores." With such an influential endorsement, no wonder everyone is interested in this amazing tropical fruit.

Since it is very rich in organic vegetable protein, it is an active fighter of cholesterol in the body. Acai berry synergizes the monounsaturated fat, phytosterols and fiber; it stimulates the cardio vascular and digestive tract. The fatty acids present in this tropical fruit are as good as those found in olive oil. This lowers the chances of heart disease. The omega three fatty acids help in cell regeneration and supporting the nervous system. Its vitamin E content also fights internal signs of ageing.

You can enjoy acai in a number of ways. If you're fortunate enough to be able to find fresh acai berries, they can be eaten as they are. However, the frozen pulp and acai powder can be mixed into smoothies and milkshakes, stirred into yogurt or made into desserts.

Athletes love the acai berry for the natural energy boost it provides them. Thispowerful and nutritious fruit is becoming more widely available and makes a much better choice than using expensive supplement powders and capsules. - 14130

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