Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Weight Management Tips for Type 2 Diabetics

By Sisi Chen

Millions of people in the world are diabetic and people diagnosed with diabetes are not prepared for the illness or the possible complications that accompanies it. The most common diabetes is type 2 diabetes. This is when the body's cells ignore insulin production and the body can not produce enough insulin (insulin helps break down glucose or blood sugar that creates energy). Since insulin is necessary in taking sugar from the blood and delivering them to the cells, this impairment of this important body function and greatly put a person's life at risk.

Receiving information of a life-long disease can be dire news but it doesn't mean that a person suffering from diabetes can not live a good life. Type 2 diabetes a.k.a. diabetes mellitus is a serious illness but many people who suffer it, are still able to live long and excellent lives. But it about learning more about the disease and how to beat it that can greatly improve a person's chance of surviving it.

Diabetes can affect any race and a person of any age. There are some ethnicities that are at higher risk of the development of type 2 diabetes. It is more common among Latinos, African Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Asians and the older population. What has been observed in terms of concern among those who suffer from type 2 diabetes is excessive weight gain.

The weight gain is caused by the decrease of insulin resistance, reduced blood pressure and reduced lipemia. Since weight gain is a common problem among type 2 diabetes patients, it is important that they maintain a healthy lifestyle and a diet that is suited to their condition. What needs to be looked at is weight gain and therefore most patients need to undergo weight loss.

Those who have gained a lot of weight due to their diabetes have many options to lose the weight. There are weight-reduction diets and very low-calorie diets. The former method is not that effective but the latter has helped lead to weight loss but the caveat is that patients who use the other method have a hard time maintaining their normal weight.

Other strategies of weight loss among patients is medications and repetitive uses of low-calorie diets. Meal replacements com in both solid and liquid form and the latter has been proven effective in maintaining a patients weight after they lost a considerable amount of weight. Oral medications have helped patients lose some weight because they can maintain blood sugar at a certain level. Very low-calorie diets must be supervised by a physician since it could result into metabolic abnormalities.

The cheapest form of weight control is exercise. A patient suffering from a medical condition should consult his physician about an exercise for their present condition. And should strictly follow the regiment assigned to them. Regular exercise and a proper diet can definitely lead to a healthy lifestyle.

When the patient is faced with a dilemma of having to fight for their life against a major disease, losing the weight is a challenge but it is important to have friends and family to be near them and support them. Support is very important for weight loss goals to be achieved. Also, it is important that love ones are educated about a person's disease and understand the nature of a patient's condition. - 14130

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