Monday, December 15, 2008

Type II Diabetes Natural Remedy

By Zul Rahman

Here's an amazing story of how one women determined to fight diabetes after her husband collapsed on a wedding night.

Click here to listen to her story

Let's admit most of us don't even know that we have diabetes until something like that struck us or our loved one. Unfortunately when that happens it is too late.

She went on declaring war on diabetes so to speak. After scurring through tons of information, she said that she was amazed at the amount of information available.

Unfortunately, over-information and mis-information were a big part of the problem. One doctor recommended a certain type of drug while other doctors recommended a different type while still others spoke out against drugs all together".

There was a lot of diet charts, food graphs and medical manuals. She almost gave up until finally in her own word she said she cracked the code and stopped diabetes cold.

It is interesting that after talking to dozens of diabetic patients and medical professionals she spotted a patent on how to fight the disease. She began to test what she found on her husband and after confirming with their family doctors it proved that the methods work.

Here are some of the things that she found:

1) Why over a BILLION Asian never get diabetes?

2) Enjoy the food that you love and still be free from diabetes

3) How to defeat diabetes even if you have passion for sweet stuff.

4) The truth about artificial sweeteners, which one works and which one could even be dangerous to your life.

5) A supplement you can take that's proven to reduce nerve damage from diabetes.

There are lots and lots more information that will even shock the nutrition expert!

If you or your love one are suffering from diabetes, please do yourself a favor listen to her story.

Click here to listen to her story - 14130

About the Author:

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