Saturday, December 20, 2008

Natural Yeast Infection Treatments

By Gray Rollins

Have you heard of Candida? No, we're not talking about the works of George Bernard Shaw. We're referring to the infection caused by natural yeast. Candida causes irritations, which can bother a person even while they're asleep. It can make victims feel awkward in public situations, especially when they feel the constant need to scratch themselves in front of people they don't know. What's more, imagine your spouse refusing to eat the food you prepare, because your hands have been relieving your itching infection all day. Awareness of this infection is growing by the day, so if you haven't heard of it yet, this is a great time to find out.

In the recent times there have been dramatic rises in the number of people who want to cure this infection through natural remedies instead of the over-the-counter lotions which are suggested for fighting Candida. The reason for this shift is obviously the fact that artificial medicines comes with side effects.

However, before you go out trying to find an organic cure, it's a good idea to find ways to prevent yourself from breaking out. How can I do this, you ask? No problem! All the information you need will be presented right here. The name of the game is being hygienic and taking care of your self.

If you are an alcoholic then you need to avoid all sorts of alcohol containing food and drink. Remember, that alcohol encourages the growth of yeast and that obviously is only going to aggravate the situation.

Other edibles to avoid are anything containing caffeine, margarine, or dairy, and especially junk food. It's a good idea to severely limit your indulgence in these foods, if not completely abstain from them. This means putting down the can of soda, and picking up a glass of water, and snacking on fruits and vegetables instead of chips and sweets. But, hey, these are good health tips, regardless of whether you have the disease or not. If cutting out milk products seems like an obstacle, look for alternatives made with soy or rice milk. It can be a bit of a search, but many grocery stores provide dairy-free substitutes.

Try not to use a public bathroom, or for that matter even a common swimming pool. Swimming pools are to be avoided very particularly since the common water of the pool can bring other people's disease to your skin making your infection worse.

The next thing to make sure is to select the right condom. There are many varieties of condoms. The types which you need to avoid are the ones which contain nonoxynol-9 lubricant. So make sure you read the about the condom before you use it.

Do you like going a little heavy on the perfume? Unfortunately, while it may be good for attracting a partner, studies show that it can be bad for your infection. The same goes for scented sanitary pads and tampons, as well. The reason behind this is that the chemicals in the scent can trigger break-outs. The best thing you can do here is put away the essence, buy unscented tampons, and rely on appealing to the other senses for a while.

One of the best things you can do is very simple and that is to drink a lot of water. Try adding yogurt to your diet, because it contains bacteria that help kill the yeast. Garlic, also, is something you should think about trying to eat more of. Another great, natural cure: Try using products containing tea tree oil, or the oil itself. - 14130

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