Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cures For Yeast Infection

By Weny Laville

Yeast infections can easily be induced by many things. These include wearing tight jeans or underwear and particular antibiotic drugs such as steroids and birth control pills. To make matters worse, this is common among women particularly during child bearing age. Yeast infection begins with a slight itchiness in the vagina. Luckily, there are treatments that you can utilize to fight this sort of infection at home.

Cranberry pills may be helpful and can be purchased without prescription in drugstores. The reason they work so well is because the constituents promote the immune system's ability to neutralize the proliferation of the fungus until it can return to its normal level.

Consider applying apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball as an alternative. Try mixing this with a tiny bit of garlic before you decide to try it, and that will aid with the stinging. Of course, this vital organ will likewise then smell. You may remedy this by using water to thin it.

Yogurt is always a sound alternative. You will only need to get a teaspoonful and then apply this directly in the involved area or on a tampon first. If yogurt is not handy, curds can be applied twice a day until the infection symptoms disappear.

Grape fruit seed extract and olive leaf can also be blended together with water, before applying the mixture using a cotton bud. Raw garlic juice will also supply the same outcome. Just wipe this over your fingers and then wipe it over the affected area.

Whichever you use, you must not have sexual relations because this is a sexually transmitted disease that could also cause problems for your male partner. If a week pass and you still have a yeast infection, the procedure could take longer then at first anticipated.

If over the counter products are failing you need to see a doctor so they can prescribe you something more powerful for your yeast infection. There are creams, pills or suppositories which are often advocated rather than using oral medication.

Although the fungus Candida can cause yeast infection, it is also a condition that is normally discovered in the body. If burning, itchiness and tenderness are not present then you most likely have something other than a yeast infection and you should consult your doctor.

Apart from the truth that yeast infection is very much treatable, there also exists a number of methods to stop this from ever occurring The most beneficial is to swallow a glass or 2 of milk every day since this ascertains that there will never be an excess formation of yeast down at that place. You must also avoid wearing tight pants or underclothing. Do not employ feminine sprays, douches, scented bathroom tissue and fragrant tampons when going to swimming and remove your wet swimsuit quickly afterwards.

You can stay home and struggle with a yeast infection or you can go to the physician for assistance because if a woman is pregnant there is a different curative. Occasionally it will take care of itself without your even dealing with it. Yet, if it recurs, your doctor should examine you more thoroughly and start you on hormone therapy to deal with it. - 14130

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