Saturday, November 22, 2008

Some Easy Ways To End Bad Breath

By Rone Hooper

Easy Steps To Getting Rid Of Stinky Breath.

Some people call it "dragon breath" or "butt breath", and usually if your breath stinks, you know it. It's pretty easy to get rid of that bad breath if you follow a few simple rules or steps. But if you have a medical or dental condition, it is best to follow your doctors orders because these simple steps may not help. However, in general, just keeping your body healthy with proper foods and maintaining a good oral hygiene routine will keep the "butt breath" at bay.

The Main Reasons For Bad Breath

After a meal, some food sticks to the back side of teeth, or some may even get caught in between the teeth. When this happens, food can ferment or rot in the warm mouth quickly. And usually, food that is high in protein tends to ferment in the mouth quicker because of the longer metabolic time it takes to break down. Vegetables and fruits are more easily digested, or broken down, making the time in the body substantially less - thus allowing less time it has time to ferment - which can cause bad breath.

Several Great Ways to Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Usually the main cause of bad breath is bacteria feeding off of food particles that are left on or between your teeth after eating. The best way for anyone to get rid of bad breath is to invest in a good toothbrush, some floss and be persevering about your daily oral hygiene and dental exams.

It is important for you to also cleanse your tongue if you want to rid yourself of bad breath. The same bacteria that is hiding between your teeth can also burrow on the tongue. Tongue cleaning is necessary, in addition to brushing, for a thorough dislodging of the plaque and mucus. In clinical tests, tongue cleaning is proven to have reduced odors and bacteria by 75%!

Setting up a daily routine of dental hygiene is key to helping get rid of all the bacteria that can cause bad breath. Teeth should be brushed after every meal and proper flossing should be done at least once a day. Disinfecting mouthwash can also help rid the mouth of odor growing plaque and bacteria built up since it can reach the areas that can be missed with the toothbrush and flossing.

It's a well-known fact that smoking causes "smokers breath". It's unpleasant to smell, but it is also impossible to get rid of the smell without quitting the tobacco completely. The smell is not only in the smokers breath, but on their hands, face, hair, and even clothing! So, quitting the tobacco for good is about the only way to truly freshen the breath for life. Plus, it's good for your body!

Then finally, bad breath is also caused by drinking alcohol. Not only is the alcohol in your mouth, but since the alcohol travels through your body, the smell can stay in your blood for hours - even if you do brush your teeth, causing your breath to stink. Cutting back on alcohol intake or just staying clear of it altogether will keep your breath smelling fresh and clean! - 14130

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