Friday, November 21, 2008

Aloe Vera for Chrones Disease and Intestinal Disorders

By Celia Spiers

Using Aloe vera for Chrones disease can bring real relief rapidly. This disease affects the digestive system or the gastrointestinal tract along the whole corridor from the mouth to the anus. Symptoms generally tend to be diarrhea (with blood showing), vomiting, abdominal pain and weight loss. There are significant variants but these are the most common.

External conditions such as arthritis, skin rashes and inflammation of the eyes commonly accompany these symptoms. The precise cause of this disease has never been pinpointed but it is classified as an inflammatory bowel disease because it occurs when the immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract and is therefore considered to be an autoimmune disease. The use of aloe vera for Chrones disease is a new approach that is providing a positive solution.

There is a genetic link with autoimmune diseases. Siblings tend to be at the highest risk between their teens to around age 20. Either sex can be equally affected. Another peak period is with an older age group between 50-70 years of age. Prevalence of this disease in Northern Europe is about 27-48 per 100,000.

This disease affects 400,000 to 600,000 people in Northern Europe and it was found that smokers are 3 times more likely to develop the symptoms. No one has yet developed a drug based cure although there are remedial processes available for other inflammatory bowel disorders. Currently, the only course is to attempt to control the symptoms and keep them in remission. However, a growing number of people have found relief using aloe vera for Chrones disease.

Ingesting aloe vera can have a stabilising effect and patients have reported an easing of the discomfort caused by the pain of gastrointestinal dysfunction. New research has extended the medicinal uses of aloe vera to traditional pharmaceutical grade prescription doses. Jean Heal, a 40 year old woman, is an interesting case study:

She was diagnosed with Chrones disease by her doctor and suffered with it for 20 years. Her condition by this time was causing her considerable stress and she was complaining of exhaustion and depression. Her doctor suggested colonic surgery as a possible course of action. She had heard that treatment using aloe vera for Chrones disease was a possibility.

So she turned to the Internet and investigated alternatives and discovered high purity pharmaceutical grade aloe vera capsules. Following a prescribed dose she found that after 3 days her symptoms receded until she was completely without pain. She also noticed that missing a daily dose would result in the symptoms returning.

Now her life has been turned around and she is able to live a normal life without having to worry about diarrhoea or staying within close proximity to a toilet. This provides a ray of hope to others who may be experiencing similar debilitating symptoms. Very positive results are emerging from patients using aloe vera for Chrones disease. - 14130

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