Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Why Your Medication Can't Work!

By Mark John

Arthritis is a description of not one, but many similar diseases, these diseases also known as musculoskeletal, are all regarded as arthritis as they effect the joint and the surrounding tissue & tendons. All of these arthritic conditions, although linked by a common factor, do have an underlying cause. This debilitating condition has grown into a major health issue, which crosses all social groups and sexes

Arthritis affects 50 percent of people aged 65 years and older. Arthritis is a musculoskeletal condition that is thought to affect one in five people in the UK. An estimated 70% of all 70-year-olds may show symptoms of arthritis, but the condition can affect people of all ages, including children.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune version of the disease, which means its re-occurring over a long time. Many people with RA note that their arthritis symptoms change over time, sometimes experiencing periods of remission.

Autoimmune disease is a term used to describe a problematic metabolic disorder, in which the body's own defence system receives the wrong signal and proceeds to attack that which it normally defends. RA attacks the synovium, which is the protective lining between the joint, rheumatoid arthritis pain and information is due mainly to the thickening of the synovium.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms.

The symptoms normally associated with RA, are excruciating pain, inflammation, impaired mobility of the effected joint, in time and depending on the severity of the condition, one might experience bone damage, and deformation.

Symmetrical Attack.

The autoimmune disease known as rheumatoid arthritis commonly effects two symmetrical joints at one time, those suffering with RA may find they have symptoms of the disease in perhaps both hands, or knees. An autoimmune disease has the ability to travel around the body and can attack joints symmetrically & randomly. RA is also known to effect other organs, such as the kidneys.

How to Really Cure your Own Rheumatoid arthritis!

Rheumatoid arthritis, as with all forms of arthritis is a condition caused by the manifestation of an underlying disease, even though this may not be apparent. The problem with today's quick fix drug therapies is that they only address the symptoms of arthritis. The prolonged use of both prescribed and over the counter medication can only lead to an overall progression of RA due to the toxins these drugs leave in the body.

Rheumatoid arthritis treatments can only work if they address the immune disorder issue, One may only be successful in self treatment, or indeed with excepted medical practice if they tackle the following factors.

* The toxins (many left by drug therapies) must be expelled from one's body.

* GastroIntestinal problems such as bacterial and fungal infections must be addressed.

* Flush the kidneys.

* Remove all arthritis triggers (known & unknown).

* Keep RA inflammation under control, without using drugs.

* Remove heavy metal deposits trapped in the body.

* Remove excess uric acid.

* Repair cell, tissue and bone damage.

* Reduce the amount of excess free radicals in the body.

* Re-build and strengthen the Immune-system.

* Lose excess body weight.

* Bring body weight in line with its BMI.

* Naturally keep the joints lubricated.

Sounds like a tall order?, Then you might be surprised to know that alternative arthritis practices & simple lifestyle changes can address all of the underlying factors contributing to one's RA, even when the actual cause one's RA is not apparent.

Natural practices do work and have been proven to reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness with dramatic & safe results, an alternative practice could be the answer to one's RA, and shouldn't be discounted. Sometimes the simplest option might just be the best.

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