Thursday, August 21, 2008

How to Allow Your Heart's Desires

By Dick Ingersoll

"Allowing," in relation to the Law of Attraction is a tough thing to describe because it's a state of being, rather than a state of doing. It's a process of releasing any effort to control what occurs around you and instead allowing the cosmos to work on your behalf.

Remaining in a state of allowance can be trying for some people since they are so used to taking action in order to obtain what they want. Allowing your heart's desires may seem contrary to this approach, but it's honestly just a matter of taking varying actions and choosing the right mind-set.

In the Following you will find some simple steps to help you flow easily into a state of allowing.

Sit in silence.

Meditation is the fastest and simplest way to get into a state of allowance because it places you right away into the process of observing and being, rather than doing. As you focus on releasing fear and frustration, you encourage a flood of inner peace and acceptance in to replace them. This mind-set dissolves blockages and eliminates resistance, which leaves only . . . allowance!

Do what you love as often as possible.

Allowing is not just about getting what you want, but rather figuring out how to open up to the natural flow of joy, passion and abundance that is open to you at all times. When what you do is what you love, you immediately attract a flood of positive energy into your life. Yes, this can absolutely help you attract what it is you want, but it also puts you into a position to gain a lot more than you asked for. Instead of just gaining one thing you wanted, you find yourself in a continuous state of surprise and joy as more and more great things come your way.

Think positively.

This should be a no-brainer, because the majority of us are completely aware of the rewards of positive thinking. However, don't restrict your positive thinking in relation to your immediate goal only! Learn to construct a true positive thinking habit, and spread it evenly through your entire life. Think positively, speak positively and act positively as often as possible. You'll be happier, increase the frequency of your energy and remain in a constant state of allowance.

Have unwavering faith.

Many of us tend to flip-flop between extreme faith and crushing doubt. Our faith is sturdy when everything is going well but the instant we run into obstacles, doubt knocks us out of kilter. The real test of faith is being able to hold it while in the midst of difficulty! It may not be easy, but don't forget that having faith is a choice. You can choose to trust in and know that everything will be fine, or you can choose to think it won't. When difficulties come knocking on your door, choose your mind-set carefully.

Detach completely.

Most of us are inclined to regress back to childish behaviors when we want something. We figure if we can just nag the cosmos to death, it will give in and give us what we want. So we continue meditating and praying and imagining. We spend hours mentally pleading for what we want, and fixate on it constantly. This is not allowing - it is clutching and clasping! The cosmos heard your appeal the first time, so there is no need to continue asking. Instead, tell yourself that time may be needed before it will show up, or it's also possible that you won't get what you requested - but you might get something much better!

Be willing to accept to whatever comes your way, believing with all of your heart that it will be completely perfect in all ways.

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