Monday, October 6, 2008

Cleansing Our Chakras

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

Considering the various environmental, physical and metaphysical influences our chakras are subjected to on a regular basis, it becomes a necessity for us to engage in chakra cleansing. Attaining balance and harmony between the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being requires regular chakra cleansing in order to maintain harmony and continually rebuild our energy systems. The importance of chakra cleansing can not be understated because all phases of our life are interconnected and should work as one for beneficial and energetic living.

Following are some of the highly effective chakra cleansing practices man has used for thousands of years in the past:

1. Regularly burning incense or certain herbs and plants and allowing ourselves to soak in the smoke can negate the negative effect of obstacles to our energy points. Smudging is an age-old practice known to people of diverse cultures and civilization as an effective method if achieving balance and harmony in life.

2. Auric brushing with the aid of crystals and gems is one way to cleanse our chakras of blockages but it should be done judiciously as it is potentially a double-edged knife, it can cause damage if not done by a well-experienced person.

3. A wholesome lifestyle, drinking plenty of clean water, tea and fruit juices, plus enough sleep and moderation are highly suggested in order to preserve the function of our chakras.

4. Regular physical workouts and breathing exercises are very important to the maintenance of healthy and strong chakras. Aside from making the heart healthier, regular physical activity and proper breathing also ensures unrestricted blood flow to all parts of the body.

5. Connect with the wonders and magic of nature. Learning to appreciate the nature has a wonderful influence in the function of our energy systems.

6. Since each individual colors have different vibrations that affect different elements of a person, you can effectively perform chakra cleansing by looking at real color or simply by visualizing them.

7. Music has long been known as a way by which we achieve relaxation. Listening to music is a very helpful chakra cleansing strategy because a relaxed chakra is one that functions at optimum level and equally benefits the corresponding endocrine system connected to it.

8. Rousing our mental power and taking on in intellectual interests are critical factors to keep up a healthy chakra. Since there are times that the mind takes rests, it needs to be exercised in order to combat the aging process. It is necessary to maintain our mental activity at all times.

9. Allocating a few minutes daily for reflection on the days events is also a powerful chakra cleansing method. Spending some time alone and giving serious thought to our daily happenings and situation gives us a clearer perspective and awareness of everything that affects us and our environment.

10. Self love is also important as you can never love somebody if you do not love your own self first. Besides, feeling in love releases certain chemicals that are good for our body and in the same way, anger also releases a different set of chemicals. It is our task to maintain a certain balance between the two to improve our energy systems.

11. An awareness of our feelings and emotions coupled with the ability to express them in a constructive manner to people around us is a very vital chakra cleansing and maintenance strategy. Restrained thoughts, feelings and emotions can invariably cause energy jams that can disturb our health and well being.

12. Being imaginative in our daily activities helps us maintain balance and harmony. Imagination and creativity is not the private realm of the arts as we can utilize it to make our activities more interesting!

13. Coming to terms with our past lives and understanding its significance can provide us a deep awareness of our purpose as a human being.

14. Maintaining sincerity and reliability in all facets of our lives keeps us healthy and righteous. Living a life anchored on moral values help make us more productive, creative and dependable, not only to ourselves but for others as well.

15. Communicate with your Creator through prayer. Praying is a fundamental part of our health and energy systems because it is an acknowledgement of humility and a sign of respect for the Almighty. It also helps put us at ease and make us sensitive to our environment.

All the above chakra cleansing methods are of great consequence. It is not obligatory to employ them all at the same time but it is suggested to use these techniques in conjunction with one another. Start off with two or three and gradually add the others as you progress. Keep in mind that chakra cleansing is not achieved overnight; it is a lifetime process but very rewarding. - 14130

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