Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What is a Panic Attack?

By Gordon Dalwood

We all have to deal with a certain level of anxiety in our life. In a way, minor anxiety is not a bad thing. However, when anxiety levels reach a significant level, there will be physical manifestations of this psychological problem. The most common (and severe) physical reaction is that of a panic attack.

You may be asking what a panic attack is exactly. The panic attack is an immediate and overwhelming attack of anxiety that comes on without any warning. One minute you may be fine and the next you are in a full blown attack. There may be disorientation, chest pains, very rapid breathing and dizziness. Many people feel as if they are having a heart attack. The symptoms closely resemble the symptoms of a heart attack so this is a natural thought.

Needless to say, the onset of such a condition can lead to a great deal of fear on the person experiencing it. (This is why it is called a panic attack) An individual who is dealing with severe and constant panic attacks can suffer a severe loss in the quality of life. Generally, this is because people dealing with panic attacks will be limited in the activities they take part in due to the specter of the condition always hanging over their head.

What causes some people to have panic attacks is not known. This is not a totally unexpected thing since they do start in the mind which is not totally understood. But there are also certain things that can add to the panic attack. The use of drugs and alcohol, keeping frustrations bottled up, depression and genetics can all be contributors to panic attacks.

When a panic attack occurs, it becomes necessary to take the steps needed to reduce the impact of the condition. Yes, this may sound like an "easier said than done" statement but it is necessary to try and reduce the problem as it occurs. Generally, taking slow and deep breaths is the most adhered to method for reducing the impact as it happens.

Of course, if anxiety and the resultant panic attacks could be controlled simply by doing a few breathing exercises, anxiety would not be considered a problem in the first place. In other words, if you suffer from anxiety, it's crucial that you consult with a duly qualified health professional in order to receive adequate treatment.

Therapy may not be the entire answer for problems that are anxiety related. Consider your need for psychotropic solutions which may become a necessity. A complete psychiatric evaluation will be necessary before a psychiatrist would prescribe these drugs. By keeping to the schedule that is recommended by your doctor for the medicine, there may be a big difference in the rate at which the attacks occur and how severe they are in turn helping you to get a handle on the attacks.

Regardless of the method you explore, it is possible to get a handle on issues related to panic attacks. While the condition is most definitely severe, it is not untreatable. As long as you can recognize the problem you will be able to seek help. Once you seek help you can take the steps to deal with it and, hopefully, be free of it. - 14130

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