Thursday, June 11, 2009

Post Nasal Drip Remedies That Work

By Greg E. Johnson

Post Nasal Drip can be very annoying and will force most people to begin desperately looking for effective post nasal drip remedies. This condition will tend to occur if you have a cold or allergies. It occurs because mucus accumulates at the back of the throat which can cause a cough, sore throat and halitosis. It is possible to use home remedies as a form of treatment but if it does not go away you should consult a doctor as you may not be effectively treating the cause of the condition.

Most remedies, even medication, work by loosening up the mucus so it can be flushed away. Mucus can be loosened up by thinning or drying it up. A great way to achieve this is to drink a lot of water. The water dilutes the mucus which allows it to go out of your throat. Drinking something hot like tea or soup can loosen up mucus as well as sooth a sore throat.

Other post nasal drip remedies include breathing in the vapors from a pot of boiling water, using a facial steamer or a humidifier, or taking a warm shower and breathing in the steam. There are also specific foods that can make this condition worse and you should try to avoid these foods. Foods to stay away from include creamy foods, spicy foods, anything with caffeine, and any diuretics as they will only increase the severity of your condition.

Products such as nasal sprays, nasal douche devices, and neti pots can be used to clean the mucus out of your throat. These products are also used to help relieve any nasal irrigation. Gargling with solutions of baking soda or salt can also bring relief from post nasal congestion.

Something that many people overlook but can be very effective at clearing up post nasal drip at the front of the nose is to just blow your nose. Also by reducing your stress you can also reduce the severity of this problem. Most nasal diseases are caused because of stress and how stress causes your body to be unbalanced. By relaxing, you are allowing your body to return to its normal state. Muscle relaxation, such as massage, or using meditation can all help you eliminate this condition.

Hormones can also cause an increase in mucus production and swelling of the tissue in the nasal passages. This can be an issue for women that are on any type of oral contraceptive such as the pill. If you are experiencing a constant post nasal drip, then this may be due to the hormones and you should speak with your gynecologist about other options.

A possible cause of post nasal drip can be from your stomach and this will require completely different treatment than if this condition occurred because of your sinuses. Esophageal reflux or heartburn can produce post nasal drip symptoms. There are also specific antihypertensive medications that tend to give individuals similar symptoms when they have heartburn. If this is the case, you need to treat the heartburn to eliminate your supposed condition.

Other remedies may be more successful than others. You will need to find the best remedy for your nasal condition. Finding relief can make your whole day better and there are many options that can help. Make sure you know the cause of your post nasal drip as this will make treatments that much more effective and you will not waste time using a remedy that does not solve your problem. - 14130

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