Saturday, May 9, 2009

Exploring Options In Buying Air Purifier Machines

By Chris Channing

The Airfree Platinum 2000 and Airfree Onix P3000 are two of the best options in the air purifier market. Choosing between the two is tough, since they are so evenly matched in both what they do and the price tag that they have. Don't worry, because there are several things you can use to decide between the pair.

If one of the models costs more than the other, this is going to be the first thing you see. As such, you will notice that the Platinum 2000 model is less expensive. By taking a closer look you will notice that it isn't by much, so this should not influence your decision just yet. A mere $30-$40 in difference price won't amount to much, so let's continue comparing.

Large rooms need a more powerful unit to clean. In this case teh Onix P3000 is the more powerful of the two, as it can purify the air in 650 square feet. If you don't need the extra power, the Platinum 2000 comes in at a close 550 feet that it is able to purify. If you have a room that is in between these two specifications, you may be better in going with the Onix.

The energy you use with each model is different. As stated, the Airfree Onix P3000 is more geared towards a larger room space. This also equates into a larger amount of energy consumed per month. If you aren't worried about the environment much, you may be slightly concerned that the elevated bill you will be working with. It won't be much higher, as the difference is only four watts.

Although both machines come in at the same height and width dimensions, the Airfree Onix P3000 model is a bit heavier, weighing only a tenth of a pound more than its counterpart. In both cases you get about the same amount of space consumption and weight, so this shouldn't be a determining factor in which model to obtain.

If you are having problems deciding between the two, you could narrow down your selection by analyzing what you will be using the machine for. If the room that will be using the air sterilization machine is small, then going for the Airfree Platinum 2000 is a good idea. Both models will perform the same task otherwise, which is to clean the air in an efficient manner and keep your family safe from contaminants.

Closing Comments

A health professional can further help you decide between these closely matched models. If you don't have any helpful health retailers in your area, the Internet is full of websites and resources that can give you advice on what you need, how to maintain the device, and where to buy the device. - 14130

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