Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mangosteen Juice - Why Do So Many People Drink It Now?

By Julieanne van Zyl

Something which is becoming really well-liked is the Mangosteen Juice. Health and nutritional supplements are becoming well-known all over the world, so it is easy to notice all the results that natural supplements are having in the lives of different people . One of the very well-liked nutrition supplements is the Mangosteen Juice and the media is giving it rave reviews. These reviews are often favorable, but sometimes not so positive.

Here is a description of Mangosteen.

Mangosteen, with the scientific name Garcinia mangostana, is a popular fruit commonly found in the tropics in the south East Asian countries. The name Mangosteen is not even very popular compared to names like Xango or Vemma. Also popularly called and referred to as the queen of fruits, it is rich in nutritional value and supplements. According to different users and lovers of the juice, Mangosteen juice, which is often prepared and manufactured just like every other fruit juice, tastes a bit like berry and so far, only a few people out of the many people who have drank the juice say that they do not like the taste.

So what makes Mangosteen so extraordinary and why is it getting so much news attention?

Mangosteen juice is very well loved as a result of its high dietary value. It has an extraordinary high quantity of xanthones which is one of the many phytonutrients found in a number of nutrition supplements. At the time of writing, there are over two hundred well known xanthones and the Mangosteen pericarp, which is the rind enclosing the fruit segments - has approximately forty of those. Xanthones were not favorite known until recently when studies have shown their role as an effective antioxidant that can be very effective for neutralizing free radicals within the body system.

With the current information available on free radicals, it has become clear that if you want a great and healthy body then you need to reduce the number of free radicals that are deposited in the body as a result of oxidation processes in the body system. Thus, because of the xanthones available in Mangosteen juice, it makes it a favorable and effective antioxidant. Free radicals, which come from the air we breathe, water, food, cigarette smoke, and even exercise, are not only responsible for stress and anti-aging, but they are also deemed responsible for cancers, and other ailments.

With all of these qualities and attributes, Mangosteen juice is obviously a wonderful, healthy drink that everyone needs. But the major question people are asking is "is it the miracle drug that people indeed say it is?" Well, apparently, there is no single fruit so far that has that high amount of xanthones and therefore can do all the things that Mangosteen juice is capable of.

As with all things, if you wish to defend l yourself against a number of health concerns, and get the ultimate amount of nutrient quality, then by all means, get some Mangosteen Juice for yourself. - 14130

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