Sunday, March 29, 2009

5 Essential Oils for Natural Weight Loss

By Deborah Lindholm

If you've started on a quest to take better care of your body, congratulations. You deserve a hearty hug and accolades. Losing weight can be a challenge on the best of days. Mother Nature has however, created several essential oils which make losing weight more manageable both physically and emotionally. Let's take a look at these essential oils and how they can help you lose weight.

Essential Oil of Grapefruit

Grapefruit oil, also called citrus paradise, offers many health benefits including alleviating water retention and strengthening your immune system. However one particular is that it actually dissolves fat. A Japanese study found that the primary component of grapefruit oil, limonene, enhances Lipolysis - a process whereby stored fatty acids are released into your bloodstream, broken down by your kidney and liver and used as energy sources for your heart and brain.

In addition to essentially dissolving fat, grapefruit oil is a natural weight loss suppressant, think about all those grapefruit diets!


While Grapefruit oil is helping you break down and dissolve fat, Bergamot essential oil helps you combat emotional stress - a common cause for overeating and consuming typically unhealthy foods.

In your brain your sense of smell and your emotional centers are close in proximity. Bergamot, along with some other essential oils, stimulates your emotional centers and produces a calming, stress and anxiety reducing effect. Lavender can be added to boost you sense of well being and calm.

Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood is well known for its medicinal qualities including use as an astringent, a fungicide, a sedative and for treating a number of skin conditions. Yet many are unaware of Sandalwood's capability to eliminate negative cell programming. Chemistry, thoughts and behaviors all influence our cellular programming and sandalwood essential oil facilitates reprogramming when combined with changing habits and thoughts.


Peppermint has long been held as a digestive aid to soothe an upset stomach or help digestion yet it is also oil which provides unique weight loss benefits. Dr Alan Hirsch conducted a study and found peppermint can directly affect your brain's satiety center - the ventro-medial nucleus of the hypothalamus. This powerful essential oil makes you feel full after meals. The result is the ability to eat less and still feel satisfied. You can choose to either inhale peppermint oil before a meal or drink a few drops in a glass of water or tea right before each meal.

Peace & Calming

Peace & Calming, a blend of essential oils, contains:

- Tangerine Oil. Calms the nervous system and is used as a diuretic.

- Orange Oil. Helps overcome depression and gives emotional support.

- Ylang Ylang. Used to clarify thoughts and assist in a feeling of wellness and peace.

- Patchouli. Used as sedative and relaxation aid.

- Blue Tansy Oil. Cleans the liver and essentially helps your body breakdown fat.

Commonly used to treat children with hyperactivity, Peace & Calming also helps soothe stress, maintain clarity and help your organs, specifically your liver, function optimally.

Essential oils are a terrific and natural way to suppress appetite, calm emotions as they relate to food and stress, and to actually dissolve fat. These essential oils can be dispersed or applied in a number of ways. Read the directions before applying for safety and effectiveness. When it comes to losing weight, it's nice to know there is a natural way to aid our efforts. - 14130

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